is it better to have your memory runinng as fast as it can on loose timings or slower on tighter timings?
That depends on the speeds, the used timings and 1T or 2TStevenG said:is it better to have your memory runinng as fast as it can on loose timings or slower on tighter timings?
Yes, most 2Gb do not overclock that much or can run at tighter than standard timings.Meths said:If you're buying a 2gb kit choices are limited anyway with regard to latencies and whatnot.
Meths said:If you're buying a 2gb kit choices are limited anyway with regard to latencies and whatnot.
Just run benches at different settings and use whatever is fastest for you.
Steevo38 said:On my A64 system I used to run TCCD 300+ when it was all the rage.
Saw the light, sold it, and went for some very cheap BH5 and to be honest the system just "felt" more responsive with the tight timings even though mem only running at around 210.
Just my 2p and have seen this posted by others in the past.
Dutch Guy said:I did some quick testing last night, I kept the CPU at the same speed and ran 250Mhz 2.5-2-2-10-1T, 212Mhz 2.5-2-2-10-1T and 250Mhz 3-4-4-10-1T and the difference in 3DMark2001 was 400 points max (26900 vs 26500) while Doom III showed no difference at 1280*1024 4xaa/High and I will test in more detail when I get some time.
Early results indicate that it matters very little, I was actually surprised at the small difference between 2.5-2-2-10 and 3-4-4-10
Efour2 said:With all this in mind what 2gb kit would offer "best bang for the $"