
31 Dec 2005
Always on the M1.....
Any idea why my 2 RAIDed Spinpoints don't appear on the Speed fan temperatures? My other 2 non-RAIDed do.

Have SMART turned on in BIOS, would be nice to make sure they don't overheat and to make use of the SMART function.
jbloggs said:

I think the reason is because they are in RAID, I have 2 x 74GB Raptors on the ICH5R con, and they don't show up in any utility for giving HDDs temps, but my 2 x 200GB barracudas SATA on the Sil3114 con, as single HDDs do show up and give temps. :)

Sounds like a similar thing to mine, but 2 Spinpoints RAIDed and a WD and Seagate separate, all on SATA.

Any idea whether the Spinpoints tend to run hotter than the others? Probably cooler (but slower :D ) than your Raptors!
I would have thought that the Raptors always ran hotter, the impression (obviously false) that I had garnered from reading various forum postings.

Hopefully since I've now got a new CM Stacker with enough fans to test an F1 car, mine should be a bit cooler! The non-Spinpoint ones are usually around the 40degC mark, which I guess isn't too bad, although I haven't actually stressed them to see if that changes things.
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