Speeding 41 in 30 band B or fixed penalty

17 Jun 2007

I really should know this but its not cropped up for so long.

One of my drivers has just recieved a NIP nudge via our hire company

41 in a 30.camera. Now hes panicking.... Wouldn't that normally be dealt with by a fixed penalty. A mate of his has been winding him up about the change in law the other year. But I thought that was only applicable if it went to court.

Don't get me wrong his attitude towards the Police means he could very easily argue his way form a FP to a custodial sentance
The bands are only relevant in court, not for FPNs. Assuming he's not on 9 points or something, surely the only way that is going to court is if he doesn't return the NIP or rejects the FPN?
Might even be offered a speed awareness course, 41 in a 30 is on the upper end of the guidelines apparently.
The bands are only relevant in court, not for FPNs. Assuming he's not on 9 points or something, surely the only way that is going to court is if he doesn't return the NIP or rejects the FPN?
Might even be offered a speed awareness course, 41 in a 30 is on the upper end of the guidelines apparently.

Thanks. Thats what I thought but not having had to deal with this for so long... Things get lost in translation
It totally varies from force to force so it is difficult to know until the paperwork arrives in the post.

I was given 3 points and £100 fine for 36 in a 30 in Manchester with no option of a course.
I got a 3 points for 43 in a 30 back in about 2012. Missed out on the course by 1mph :/

But yea, it's not the same everywhere.
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It totally varies from force to force so it is difficult to know until the paperwork arrives in the post.

I was given 3 points and £100 fine for 36 in a 30 in Manchester with no option of a course.

When was this as you meet the criteria unless you have been speeding before, didn't fill in your driver number or more than 28 days late with the reply.

In a 30 zone speed awareness course for up to and including 42 in the GMP area.
To be honest 41 is tame for him...Just checked out his tracker...Some triple digit runs.......Naughty naughty.

Ouch. You should tell him that, because if he gets gobby and it does end up going to court he's stuffed if that evidence comes up. Really needs to accept whatever they throw at him and keep his head down.

I take it all your drivers are aware they're tracked ? Any chance this will get him to calm it down a bit ?
To be honest 41 is tame for him...Just checked out his tracker...Some triple digit runs.......Naughty naughty.

Assuming this is a business, would there be an insurance clause that gets nulled for excessive speeding?

Doing the typical 80-85 on a motorway probably isn't worth anyone's time to look at. But if an employee is doing 100+, not only could that potentially result in an instant ban, there may be insurance repercussions if he were to have an accident too?
When was this as you meet the criteria unless you have been speeding before, didn't fill in your driver number or more than 28 days late with the reply.

In a 30 zone speed awareness course for up to and including 42 in the GMP area.

Everything was returned on time and no previous points/courses.

It was on Princess Road which they class as a high risk area and therefore were not offering courses. The 'criteria' is discretionary - it is upto them if they offer you a course or not. This is the information I was given by GMP and HMCTS when I received fixed penalty/points and no offer of a course.
Assuming this is a business, would there be an insurance clause that gets nulled for excessive speeding?

Doing the typical 80-85 on a motorway probably isn't worth anyone's time to look at. But if an employee is doing 100+, not only could that potentially result in an instant ban, there may be insurance repercussions if he were to have an accident too?

If an employer has knowledge that one fo their drivers is speeding excessively and doesn't take appropriate action then there is a whole woorld of legal and insurance repurcusions.
Everything was returned on time and no previous points/courses.

It was on Princess Road which they class as a high risk area and therefore were not offering courses. The 'criteria' is discretionary - it is upto them if they offer you a course or not. This is the information I was given by GMP and HMCTS when I received fixed penalty/points and no offer of a course.

It was probably also to make an example of you, they dropped the limit from 40 to 30 a couple of years ago and there's still lots of people who tank it through there at 40+.
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