29 Mar 2024
United Kingdom
Ive come on here to ask for some advice about an incident my “friend” was involved in recently. He was travelling down a 30 MPH road going around 45-55 (not to sure) as he was driving along he drove past a Puegot 308 Police Car, obviously when he saw the car he slowed down to the speed limit. The coppers had pulled out and obvisouly at this point he assumed he would be getting pulled over and given 3-6 points+ a fine for example. However he just continued to tail him for around 3-5 mins without pulling him over ( the road was straight and was very safe to pull someone over before someone mentions this). I assume he was checking MOT,Tax and insurance. However i was wondering if my “friend” could be sent a NIP for this, aswell as why didnt the copper pull my friend over.
29 Mar 2024
United Kingdom
He will be fine. You can do a follow check for speed but the speedometer of the police vehicle needs to be calibrated and it's normally only traffic cars that are.
Secondly you have to follow at a set distance , no gaining or falling back from the vehicles you are following.
I'm ex.job or 30yrs
i see thanks for the response. when he was being followed he had told me the copper maintained distance mostly however was occasions where it seemed he was falling back. it was a puegot 308 i believe so not a traffic car? Thanks for good response tho im sure he will be happy to know this.
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