Spilling the beans when drunk?

Robert said:
Why is it when drunk that I feel the need to discuss my problems? Was with a group of friends over the weekend and both nights when extremely bladdered, I couldn't stop....anyone else similar and if so how did you stop?

Yeah I did that on a work nite out last Friday - bad move :p
haha i love them drunken emotion talks :p

especially when you both keep leaning in, then you end up resting foreheads on eachother to stop yourselfs falling over!
Classic :D
Mohinder said:
Yeah, it all comes out sometimes when I'm drunk.

Then I start talking HO HO HO.

But seriously, yep, I think we all do it.

You crack me up sometimes :D

I tend to tell people things I really shouldn't when I'm drunk.

The worst is though, when they decide to bring it up in front of a big group a few weeks later when everyone is sober :o
Hmm I thought the title said "Spilling the beers when drunk?"

I tend to talk to my friends more at parties, and i tend to get drunk at parties, however whether the two are related I'm not certain, as I'd probabaly say pretty much the same, but more coherently. However I don't see many of my friends other than at parties/other occasions to drink, so I have no idea.
alcohol is evil, recently been spilling beans about me and others when getting drunk. Now when i wake up after checking all of my valuables are present - its straight to the outbox to see the damage i may have done :p :o
I stopped sending drunken messages when I sent a message to my mum that was meant for a girl I was texting throughout the night. It was the type of message your mum should never ever be exposed to. I'm glad she didn't know what tea bagging meant. I've also told my mates mum shes a MILF on more than one occasion but she's a laugh and always takes it as a compliment.
i'm terrible, when i've had a bit i'll always give people straight answers to questions if they ask me, however blunt and unpleasant the answer may be. I'll also initate some terrible conversations with my friends, which are ok if its just the lads, as its all fun, trouble is when some of their girlfriends are around and hear some of the conversations.

I've learnt drunken texting is a bad idea, so i don't text girls when drunk at all.
BUSH said:
i'm terrible, when i've had a bit i'll always give people straight answers to questions if they ask me, however blunt and unpleasant the answer may be.

See I'm pretty much always like that (although if its a reply unpleasent answer I tend to warn people these days! :p)

It can get me into trouble sometimes but I'd rather real conversation with the truth than a superficial one full of lies. :)
hehehehehe yes when drunk enough i loose all inhibitions and will pretty much do or say anything that comes into my mind ... fun at the time, painfull in the morning :D

but never 2 bad... will definately be gettin drunk on the weekend :)
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