
21 Apr 2010
Whilst I was filtering past stationary traffic today doing a gentle 15mph, a kind lady in a blue SUV decided to do a U-Turn. Unfortunately for us both I was level with the wing mirror of the car behind her when she fortuitously made the decision to make the maneuver and even though I was doing such a low speed I ultimately had nowhere to go...


Took her rear door out. My bike is a bit worse for wear. My ribs and wrist are panging but I think I'm OK overall. Had I been doing 30mph it could have been much, much worse as I would have been likely to be catapulted into the oncoming traffic.

Clearly she did not check her mirror but no doubt the insurance company(s) will shaft me one way or another.

Go safe out there folks and keep your speeds low particularly right now as many drivers are not used to driving home from work in the dark after the clocks went back.
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Sorry to hear that mate - it's always my worst nightmare to be in a situation like this.

I find a stupidly loud exhaust helps in these situations :D

Hope you get better soon.
Sorry to hear, I know this problem all too well. Near me there's a ring road and when coming down it and it goes back to single lane it is always at a stand still during peak times, naturally I filter down the outside but there's ALWAYS people doing U-turns just where the carriage way ends/starts and I've nearly been taken out a couple times even when rolling with the clutch in and blipping the throttle to try and avoid said problem.

Anyways hope the insurance company doesn't slap you in the face too hard!
Had a mate knocked off by someone pulling something like that. They made the move into his path without checking/signalling, so they were at fault. Insurance was 100% in my mate's favour.

Don't be tempted to settle for their lesser offers :)
I'm really gutted for you. I hate to hear stories like this. Its also a massive inconvenience because its throws out your communiting and lesiure rides. I hope your ribs etc heal up and any pain passes :-)
Not good mate, at least you're not too injured yourself.

As others have said, in the UK, filtering is completely legal, so don't let her insurance company put 100% blame on you, because as you said, she blatantly didn't check her mirrors properly.

Did the police attend and everything? Did you manage to get Witness's?
I've had a few motorists shout at me for filtering when I only did my test earlier this year so know Exactly what is legal & what's not, I think motorists need re educating on what is actually legal for bikes & cars.

Sorry to here about your accident OP but at least you walked away. :)
Well I can tell you that even at that low speed it still ****in' hurts the next day :) I'm Ok tho - been to hospital its soft tissue damage at the sternum and wrist - no broken ribs thankfully.

Thanks for the comments, it looks pretty cut and shut, i was wearing hi-vis too which will help. The bike in daylight is scuffed to hell and back - bit concerned about a scratch on the frame where the brake pedal got compressed in. Ins Co picking up the bike tommoz.

Could have been worse, count ones blessings time.
I've had a few motorists shout at me for filtering when I only did my test earlier this year so know Exactly what is legal & what's not, I think motorists need re educating on what is actually legal for bikes & cars.

Sorry to here about your accident OP but at least you walked away. :)

its because there stuck in the traffic and you're not lol
Almost had this today luckily the woman put her Indicator on but didn't check her mirror and pulled out anyway. I saw the Indicator before she moved so I stopped in plenty of time.
If she hadn't Indicated I could have hit her.. and she threw the car out and only saw me at the last minute then slammed the brakes on so I would have T boned her rather than her carrying on where I may have missed her rear end *just*.

Keep it slow and safe while filtering!
never had anyone do that to me but have had lots look in there mirrors and see me coming and they slowly move over to close the gap to try n stop me coming past lol
never had anyone do that to me but have had lots look in there mirrors and see me coming and they slowly move over to close the gap to try n stop me coming past lol

*Knee slider down the side the door* oops sorry didn't see you there....

It's surprising how many people move sharpish when they realise you are going still get past them :p
IF you were doing 15mph and witnesses can confirm this then you should win your case, filtering is legal however is a dangerous manoeuvre which must be carried out safely and appropriately. If she was turning into a road or driveway then it would be more difficult to prove but if it was her impatience that got you here then you should be fine. Glad you're ok and hope the bike is too.
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