Spore figurines

28 Aug 2004
These look awsome.

From here


From here


From here


Quite a few here

They were sent to a few lucky people who had a go of the creature editor at E3 or some similar event.
This place thinks it might be an option in the final game:

It may not be there in the same form in the final game, but you could also hit a menu item and send your creature to Maxis’ 3D printer, which automatically creates a model of it. It is likely that a model-making service (which will probably require payment) will be available when the game appears.
Thats such a great idea I hope they do, know they just need to make spore 2, exactly the smae however make it an online MMO with thousands of planets and hundreds of players per planet all fighting to become the supreme creature and then expand to new worlds.
AcidHell2 said:
Thats such a great idea I hope they do, know they just need to make spore 2, exactly the smae however make it an online MMO with thousands of planets and hundreds of players per planet all fighting to become the supreme creature and then expand to new worlds.
Problem is you'd get people griefing newbies. And what would happen to your planet while you were offline? Too many things that wouldn't work IMO, though it would be FANTASTIC if they could make compromises so that it did work..
AcidHell2 said:
Thats such a great idea I hope they do, know they just need to make spore 2, exactly the smae however make it an online MMO with thousands of planets and hundreds of players per planet all fighting to become the supreme creature and then expand to new worlds.

Erm that is spore. Well kinda. There is a universe where you can attack other worlds that have other players creatures on them. The galaxy is like 500, 000 systems. So plenty of aliens out their (other players) to conquor.
aye last i heard whilst it isnt an MMO other planets become populated with the hellish creations of other players
.:MBK:. said:
aye last i heard whilst it isnt an MMO other planets become populated with the hellish creations of other players
yrp, all the peoples creations are uploaded to a central database and downloaded to your gme, if you have an internet connection, not the same as playing against real people though.

There would be problems making it an MMO but there must be ways around it.
tbh its quite nice as far as single player goes theres no full predictability to certain creatures and also means the game should change as you do rather than other races being static
I can't wait for Spore to be released. I already have my beastie's genetic evolution semi-mapped out in my head.
-Nick- said:
looks like a cool game, when's it due for release?
I think late 07. Some place is saying December 12th 2007, but the only official word is the fiscal year of 08 which starts in April 07.
AcidHell2 said:
yrp, all the peoples creations are uploaded to a central database and downloaded to your gme, if you have an internet connection, not the same as playing against real people though.

There would be problems making it an MMO but there must be ways around it.

Could always have a home planet that people arn't allowed to touch, then have a few thousand conquerable planets that are a free for all.

You'd have to have some sort of restriction on content, because if someone built up enough money then it might become impossible to get the planet back off them, maybe some kind of capping system where its impossible for 1 person to control bigger armies that 3 others combined.

Ohhh i'm seeing the potential now, can get 5 noobies with 50 ships each ganging up on one powerful guy who has 200, they'd have numerical superiority.

WOuld be very difficult to create a balanced game but with a bit of time and thought it could be awesome.
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