SSD advice for a newb.

20 Jul 2011
Hey guys and gals.

I'm a complete noob when it comes to computer hardware yet i'm going to have a go at building a gaming rig. I'm looking into SSDs and my question is, how do i install the OS onto the SSD and then everything else onto the HDD? If i want to change back to SSD from HDD to install a few games how do i go about it? In a nutshell, how do i change between SSD and HDD?

Sorry if this seems like a dumb question but i am pretty much clueless when it comes to hardwareso thanks for your patience! :)
Use the SSD just like you would a HDD, a good thing to do is set the SATA controller in the BIOS to AHCI from IDE for the port the SDD is connected to.

Install the OS and updates and drivers just like normal, disable disk defrag as this speeds up the degradation of SSD faster.
The connect the HDD to another port and format it so it becomes say a D: drive.

When games install they give you the opportunity to select where you want them installed, so select the D: drive.
install ssd.
Insert W7 cd.
install on onto ssd
Once all sorted into desktop. Go to Computer/systemproperties/WIndows Experience Index. (This will sort the defrag stulid mentioned)

Then install Hard Drive and tell any later games or documents to save here

EDIT: Wasn't calling Stulid stupid my phone has a wicked way of making me look fool with it's predictive text.
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install ssd.
Insert W7 cd.
install on onto ssd
Once all sorted into desktop. Go to Computer/systemproperties/WIndows Experience Index. (This will sort the defrag stupid mentioned)

Then install Hard Drive and tell any later games or documents to save here

Redirecting your folders from your C drive (docs/pics etc..), is actually probably the easiest thing to do :) (To stop it filling up your SSD)

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