SSD salvage

7 Jan 2009
Hey guys,
Just courius, I have an old (by today's standard's) OCZ Solid 3 sata6 SSD in my HTPC, can install an os fine, boot from it a few times with no issues whatsoever then boom whatever OS I have on it fails to boot, saying there's no boot able device aka either corrupt install or the SSD just isn't showing.
My question is, if it's a bad memory block within the SSD itself is i possible possible to disable the bad block permanently so the drive becomes somewhat usable again even though will be at a lower capacity?
Or is it purely a write off?
Really appreciate the detailed reply,

I couldn't tell you how old the drive is,i remember i bought it used quite some time ago and used it for a short period of time then it got stored for a bit in my cupboard until I could find a suitable use for it, and i thought it would make a perfect OS drive for LibreElec i,As that's what i use for my HTPC as its OS..Seen as the drive is only 60GB in capacity so not really good for much else.

Il have to try pull some smart test results from it,Will connecting it to an external USB 3.0 HDD dock yield the same results or is it best to actually connect it inside on a Sata port?
Great I have a dock, so I can just connect it to my main rig with the Dock and do a scan within windows using crystaldiskmark then, unfortunately will be a few days before I'm able to do this now as I'm awaiting a graphics card to come for my main rig, will reply back with results though :)
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