Put a new SSD in yesterday, a dedicated drive for my new Oculus rift, however its showing up as a removable drive. Which is annoying, cos if i say remove, i literally have to take the computer apart to remove it, fire up and then replug it in.
I've tried the microsoft recommended fix. Running in admin
reg.exe add “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\storahci\Parameters\Device” /f /v TreatAsInternalPort /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d 0
'0' being the bus number its on.. Actually i have 6 drives installed all on bus 0
Went to AsRock's website and re-downloaded the sata3 drivers, which it said i already had, but ran a repair for s and giggles.
Can't seem to get rid of it and its driving me flippin crazy.
mobo is an Asrock Z270 Extreme 4. On the latest bios and drivers. Not had this problem with any of my other SSD's.. dang it.
I've tried the microsoft recommended fix. Running in admin
reg.exe add “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\storahci\Parameters\Device” /f /v TreatAsInternalPort /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d 0
'0' being the bus number its on.. Actually i have 6 drives installed all on bus 0
Went to AsRock's website and re-downloaded the sata3 drivers, which it said i already had, but ran a repair for s and giggles.
Can't seem to get rid of it and its driving me flippin crazy.
mobo is an Asrock Z270 Extreme 4. On the latest bios and drivers. Not had this problem with any of my other SSD's.. dang it.