SSD time, help please i am a total noob

23 Feb 2009
Hi all,

I am a complete newbie when it comes to storage, you see i have a bog standard mechanical hard drive that holds 3tb and now i am seeking to buy a ssd.

I am thinking of buying this >

If i were to buy that, i only know how to hook up the ssd to the pc but i wonder how to format it like you do when you install an os to the hard drive which i have never done.

In windows or what?

Thanks all,

Remove all other HD's data or SATA cable
Connect up SSD
Insert Windows USB install or DVD-ROM
Follow onscreen instructions, Windows install will create a partition and do a quick format.
Continue running setup

Watch youtube on Windows install. It's dead easy, a 7 year old can do it.
Removing all other drives is quite important. Otherwise windows puts the boot up information on one of the mechanical drives and one day you take that drive up which you thought was just a storage drive for your downloads and then windows doesn't boot.

The downside of this method is that you have to restore your browsers, emails, configurations, applications manually which can take a while to get to your original setup. I personally would prefer to reduce the windows partition so that it fits onto the SSD and then clone it to the SSD using a HDD to SDD migration tool.

That way you save yourself a few days of dithering about trying to reconfigure your windows.
Clean install is always best IMO. It should only take a few hours max to configure W10 to your liking... There really isn't that much to do!

But will echo, ensure when installing W10 to the SSD, you have all HDs removed so no boot data is installed on the HDDs.
I've always changed sata to AHCI in bios for SSDs. Then just boot to Windows using disc or usb and just follow on screen instructions to format it.
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