Ssd wear when full?

30 Jul 2005
If a ssd is full of data e.g 500mb free space left can it still wear level or does its entire endurance level drop? E.g if its full and your just writing to empty spaces will it wear out those sectors faster?
I get that write performance tanks when its full
i get the write amplification part and how trim works but what i dont get is if you got your basic install done e.g 300 gigs of 500gig drive used then is it just the remaining 200gigs thats used for subsequent writes and wear leveling across those 200 remaining gigs takes place? so does the at 200gb free space area wear out faster since the 300gb used by untouched data such as films is still on its first write cycle?
i dont think these drives are smart enough or if its even possible for them to shift data around internally to wear all sectors evenly?
any ideas?
Yep on bit rot. I found a big tech document from micron explaining how wear leveling works quick skip through it shows it answers what i was asking. Just gonna make some time to go through it all
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