SSD's are Solid State Drives and consist of a bank of memory chips with a controller. They are extrememly fast and also at the moment very expensive in terms of £/Gb compared to conventional mechanical hard drives.

They do not have any moving parts as there are obviously no platters to spin, hence they are very low power users and hence low heat - great for laptops in those respects.

If you look at the read/write speeds quoted you will see they are faster than std HDD's by a huge amount, and if you RAID several together they scale extremely well.

My 1Tb Spinpoint F1 when bench tested with ATTO gave around 86Mb/s write speed and 90Mb/s read speed.

My current RAID 0 array of 3 x 3oGb OCZ Vertex drives gives 460Mb/s write and 620Mb/s read.

Check the Hard Drive section of these forums for more in depth info - there are loads of thread there about this subject.
SSD are for people who are impatient and don't want to wait extra few seconds :D.

OP- nice overclock on e7400 I have that CPU but first time ever tried overclocking. What your multipler? I just have no idea where i should start off should I start off? If you could help be with some advice be great! Email on my trust if you prefer
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