SSUPD MeshLicious (from the makers of the FormD T1)

Shifting the goal posts here. One post ago it was "sister company" (which is a defined term), now it's "sister brand" (which could mean just about anything).

OCUK may well get stock. On the thread it states that it'll be stocked by Amazon, New Egg, and possibly by Caseking (i.e. OCUK).
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Shifting the goal posts here. One post ago it was "sister company" (which is a defined term), now it's "sister brand" (which could mean just about anything).

OCUK may well get stock. On the thread it states that it'll be stocked by Amazon, New Egg, and possibly by Caseking (i.e. OCUK).
I did not shift the goal posts, which is why I said my mistake for stating “company” and not “brand” which SSUPD have stated themselves on their first Instagram post.
Sister brand would suggest the same company, but different branding so possibly closer ties than seen with a sister company which wouldn't share the same resources.
Anyway, looks like a winner and pretty much spot on for my needs.
I take this case is not a good idea if you want to of RGB ram with tempered glass?
The vendor has stated that they will ship the case with one glass side as that is want consumers want (but not what the SFF community likes). This could likely be placed on the mobo side (they are listing mesh and glass panels as accessories), so you will hopefully get the colour to shine through (not sure how tinted the glass is).
Best bet is to see what people do with it when it comes out and see if that fits your use cases.
The vendor has stated that they will ship the case with one glass side as that is want consumers want (but not what the SFF community likes). This could likely be placed on the mobo side (they are listing mesh and glass panels as accessories), so you will hopefully get the colour to shine through (not sure how tinted the glass is).
Best bet is to see what people do with it when it comes out and see if that fits your use cases.

Wouldn't the GPU block the view of the ram?
Wonder if it will be stocked by Amazon in the UK, I read that was their intention.

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