St Georges day celebrations as England is threatened

The Telegraph is the Daily Mail equivalent for people who earn more than the average Daily Mail reader. With this in mind, let's take a look at the article.

Hmmm... OK, it's very simple. The article is talking about a recently drafted map of proposed EU administrative areas.

It is not about Britain being carved up or losing her sovereignty, nor is it about removing England from the UK. It's little more than a reference map for administration and funding allocation, just as you would find in the offices of your local council.

Move on, nothing to see here.

More fiction.

Come on then telegraph where is the source?

I work for the EU and have asked around this is pure nonsense.

Also it might interest you to know that the french call the enlgish channel "la manche" so it's only the UK that calls it the english channel.

The map is stupid and has probably been drawn up by some nationalist right wing MEPS to stir anti-EU feeling. But since it has not even stated where the drawning has come from the story lacks all credibility. Sadly some people seem to believe what they read judging from the comments below the story.
Just you wait until we have those sinister 'nazi' looking EU police on our streets. You know, the ones who wear all that black body armour and like to beat the crap out of you before arresting you.

No need to wait they are already here.

Also they carry guns and shoot you in the back whilst your are on the ground in a defenceless position.
Also it might interest you to know that the french call the enlgish channel "la manche" so it's only the UK that calls it the english channel.

I think you got that mixed up, the French do indeed call the English Channel La Manche, but most of the rest of the world don't. They call it the English Channel (usually in their own language, but still translated as so)...

Why couldn't the EU have stayed the way it was to begin with (well at least what they said in the open, we all know it was aimed at creating a single european state from the beginning), an area where you could travel and trade freely, not a country run by unelected officials..
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