Stable, why wont it?!

26 Jan 2006

Any ideas on how I can get my system to become stable?

At the moment, superpi fails - not exact round errors etc.

Im not quite sure why, this is some of the first overclocking iv ever done today, so really dnt know what to try


asrock 939 dual sata (I volt modded it earlier today)
2 x 512 RedLine's XP4000@ 3.2 @ 222.8 CPU/11 2-3-7-11
FSB 272 Multi 11 (clock 2.45)
Winchester 3000+

Iv tried changing from 1T to 2T without avail, I also tried pumping the vcore up to 1.475 - 1.5 wouldnt post. CPU temp is 31 under load.

Any ideas what to try? Should I change memory timings and how? or is the CPU overclocked too much?
for a start if you fsb is 272 and your clock speed is 2.45 then your multi is 9x not 11x as that would put it at almost 3gig. you've maybe just hit the wall if extra volts wont help. Try dropping of the fsb till it becomes stable then work from there.
Have you dropped the HT Multi to 3x, on this board the option is called CPU NB Link in the chipset options, set it to 600mhz.

Have you got the latest bios?
lee87 said:
Have you dropped the HT Multi to 3x, on this board the option is called CPU NB Link in the chipset options, set it to 600mhz
My money's on this ;). You've volt modded it but are you sure that it's worked correctly - are you getting correct voltages reported in BIOS and in windows?
Change your volts to 1.525v, i have with my memory runnig at 3.4v, protects the cpu memory controller. :)
I tested the voltmod - all seems good - thou how would I notice in Windows?
And yer, writing at 5am isnt good, - you're right x9 multi.

Completly forgot about HT, ill go set that down now.
Alright, that didnt work, also double checked vcore; it's set to 1.075-> 1.475 so im quite sure voltmod is working - simialry the memoery wouldnt let system post until after volt mod.

And yes, I have the latest bios.

cymatty, 1.525 didnt post either =[ thought it wouldnt, as 1.5 failed too.

Guess dale suggestion, and reduce FSB and clock speed.

EDIT Stable at FSB 250 =[ but really wanna increase it back up!

Guess that just means, my limiting is the CPU? or it could be the mobo?
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I'd think it was possibly the mobo, i cant get my fsb over 240 for some reason, just wont boot past POST, although some have got really good clocks on this board, even updating the BIOS didnt help
Aha I dont know, I think iv got an idea on what it could be

If I lowered the FSB and it booted it was fine, so then I reduced the divider on the memory - higher memory speed - it became unstable again.
Then I reduced the divider higher than what it was previously and set FSB back up 271 and it was piStable, does this mean my memory is struggling at high speeds? like over ~220mhz etc?

Any ideas why?
CS 2
RAS Precharge 3
TRC 11

1T - but that didnt make a difference changing earlier.

currently underclocked at 175mhz on 14 divider.

EDIT and yer, basically for values 1.075 and the next 3 after, it adds 0.4 volts.
ErNciLator said:
The stock timings are 2-2-2
Precisely. Basically, I doubt it's your RAM.

// EDIT // What you can do is download SpeedFan and OCCT. This will give you are graph of your VCore while you stress the CPU. It may be that the VCore is dropping under load if the volt mod isn't working quite right. This would, obviously, make the CPU unstable.
Could it be a lack of volts to the memory? Its at 3.2 atm.

It's just reducing the FSB and RAM made it post, increasing the RAM and not the FSB failed, increasing the FSB but not the RAM worked fine. *confused*

What you reckon is the limit then?
Alright, I got this OCCT and checked voltage in Windows,

at 1.075 it reads as 1.400 (should be 1.475) and at 1.45 it reads at 1.400.

Could this be a reading error in windows due to voltmod? I mean, id doubt it would boot at 1.075 really; so it must have modded, and doubt id get 1.4 if id done it wrong.

cymatty, do you know if it's stable if you go below 3.4v? at like 3.3 or 3.2?
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