stable yet temperamental

27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
I have my opteron 146 @ 2.5 at the moment. Temperatures are nice a low ofcourse and the chip is capable of 2.9ghz. I've ran it at that for quite a while but my asrock board is letting me down.


I'm getting random restarts, I'm talking about every week or maybe every other day. Just reboots. Not while under heavy use or anything, it can be while loading a web page or just while its been left on downloading.

It's strange because my computer is 14hours prime stable. Not only that but i also ran SuperPI while running prime. My temperatures dont go above 44c load, and the restarts are happening while the chip is more or less idle anyways. Which makes me wonder if something else is causing the restarts.

Can anyone help?

For the record I've played oblivion for a good long while on this machine, I get very immersed and it's never restarted while in game.

I have noticed my HT is set to 5x, so 250 fsb x 5x HT = 1250 yes? and i've heard you are supposed to keep as close to 1000 as you can so that could be causing trouble. But wouldnt that have kicked up problems during prime?

Any help would be appreciated, The asrock is standard, I've done no vcore mods or Vdimm mods.

30 Sep 2006
Thats really wierd... Dunno if it was hardware in my opinion it would shut down under peak most stress, ie- in games and SuperPi... wierd how its random are you sure its not windows? check some settings for power managment see if its configuered to shutdown wierdly
27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
Wierd isnt it. Could be an OS thing, although everything should be standard as i've not played with the power settings, Will have a look.

By the way, Thought i'd let you know my PSU is a Hiper 580watt, so its not a cheapy one. So that shouldnt be my problem.
27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
Damn.. I've ran memtest, and it crashes out at about 80%. Doesnt give an error or anything, just freezes up. Starting to think I have a problem with my RAM/mobo combo.

My best guess, I have Gskill PC4000(DDR500) 3-4-4-8 Dual Channel stuff, with an asrock sata2 dual mobo. You only have 2 Ram voltage options on the asrock board, Normal and High. I have mine set to high which i'm told is the equivalent to 2.6v.

Now the Gskill ram i have has recommended voltage requirements of between 2.6 and 2.8.

I think i'm going to blame the motherboard for my problem, I need to feed my ram more voltage to run the overclock I am wanting.

Does anyone else agree with me?

Does anyone have the same setup as me and have no problems?

For the record I am running my RAM on 1T, I've heard there are problems with the asrock board and running at 1T, But other than a random restart every otherfortnight, I don't experience too much instability.
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