'Stadium Arcadium' - The Return of the Chili Peppers!

This is probably the greatest album I have heard in the last five years. I seriously don't think there's a weak song in the bunch.
i doubt i'd like it. i love them up until mother's milk (1989). i don't like californication (only heard this one once admittedly), by the way or even blood sugar sex magic.... :eek: :p
Would have liked some more heavier songs on this album. Im not complaining only listened to all the songs once all the way through. Think the songs will grow on me.
I cannot get into this. It's all too slow and mellow. As stated above, it needs heavier songs. I really want to like it since im seeing them live in July. Maybe the songs live will swing me. But as it stands, this album ahs nothing on Californication, By the Way and Blood Sugar.
Keylow said:
I cannot get into this. It's all too slow and mellow. As stated above, it needs heavier songs. I really want to like it since im seeing them live in July. Maybe the songs live will swing me. But as it stands, this album ahs nothing on Californication, By the Way and Blood Sugar.

Which date? I'm on the 17th standing. :)
I had low expectations of this album mainly because i can't name an album realeased in the last coupld of years which i have really liked and because i thought it would be just a lot of average songs, with no great songs.

But i was proven wrong!! I think it's a great album and is more similar to their ninetees stuff than the recent two albums. I'm really impressed that they have produced such a great album :)
I'm loving it at the moment too, if you like it you must check out 'John Frusciante - Shadows Collide With People' -one of the chili's guitarists solo albums, he's done loads!
I think BSSM is their best album, basically the funkier the better. Californication is good too but By the Way is generally rubbish imo - super double stilton choruses. I have a sneaky suspicion that the new one will be similar to By the Way i.e. pants :D.

Could be wrong but I just think they have dilluted their sound way too much recently.
I really liked Californication, it's lovely music for walking out and about in the summer. By the Way is rubbish IMHO in comparison.

I've got to say that my favourite albums are Freakey Styley and Mother's Milk. I didn't realise how similar early FNM and Chilis were until I heard Freakey Styley. Faith No More are one of my favourite bands though, I much prefer their slightly twisted style to the Chilis' porn-rock.

And on the vocals, Mike Patton is ten times the man Kiedis is.
Sol said:
I think BSSM is their best album, basically the funkier the better. Californication is good too but By the Way is generally rubbish imo - super double stilton choruses. I have a sneaky suspicion that the new one will be similar to By the Way i.e. pants :D.

Could be wrong but I just think they have dilluted their sound way too much recently.

Stadium Arcadium is in no way cheesy! There are quite a few funky type songs and the guitar/bass interaction is wicked.

And it's not like by the way in the slightest (yay!)
floatindolphin said:
got through cd 1.

don't like it. :(

Bland, middle of the road nothingness.

The only good bits are John F's guitar work.

Kiedis is even recycling old lyrics!?!

Frusciante recycles old guitar licks. not even his own at that!
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