Stalker Coin

16 Dec 2008
I have just got my coin in the mail now.

What a great collectors item it is. Less than 100 out there.

It is for my great grandchildren to use as they see fit, because like my origional boxed BG game, it will be worth a lot of money one day.

If no-one else does, i will post pics of it later tonight or tomorrow if anyone would like to see it.
@stoofa just like you, it will be antique, even tho you will be worth jack s...

@Skyfall depends how many are around, which i am sure you know without my help, so keep it coming.
Stalker games are already a cult, please keep up with the news, this forum is so insular it is sad.
Tefal is the only one who gets it.
Such abuse...........
Just for Tefal. because he is the only one who has asked, pics when i can be assed,
but to tell you the truth i don't think this forum merits the effort
Certain games can become collectable and worth a lot of money but Baldurs Gate isn't one of them.

I had a clear out recently of loads of old games most of which fetched a quid or two. The ones that shocked me where as follows:

Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (big box original)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (big box original)
Final Fantasy VII (big box original)
Planetscape Torment (big box orignal)

All sold for £40+ from memory.

You jest about BG surely.
I'd still pay 30£ for a copy of FF8 that i can play to the end. so far that game is cursed for me and the game/console/pc/emulator/disks have al broken at roughly the same point. :(

Well which copy of mine would you be willing to pay top dollar for.

Geniune offers only.
By that reasoning I may as well keep hold of everything, because sure enough, if you wait centuries, a 300 year old crisp packet will probably actually be worth something to someone who doesn't want to go and dig one out of the landfill sites.

You'll end up with a house full of useless tat thinking like that.

I wish my thinking was as negative as your's.
i feel kind of bad for moremoney hes probably just a kid who bought it with his pocket money, an adult would surely realise if its not even official with a note of authenticity and limited number its worthless

Thank you but i am old.

I also deal in coins so i do have an idea.
GOLD at the moment please.

Is it that?

Looks crap.

I have a keyring that came with my PC case that has a "unique" number on it too. Its made of the same metal as your coin, I'd post pics, but really cant see the point, its scratched to hell already as I have it on my car keys since the old ring fell off, and lets face it, no-one wants to see it. Its just a bit of tat mate.

Yes that is it, and i am sad that you feel the need to diss someone elsess work.
Shame on you.
its not copyrighted or anything i could go and have an exact same coin minted by the same company who did yours the guy even has the nice blueprint things on his website

I love this one.

How much do you think it will cost you to copy?, more than i paid for sure.
Can it be copied? not correctly no.

It is Limited to 100 max so no you can't get one after.(copyright laws now appply)
How much for mine?
It's blatently not going to be worth anything. Stalker as a game will mostly likely be forgotten in time, so a random knockoff bit of tat isn't likely to be highly sought after.

Plus by your logic, the guy could have made one for himself, which evidently would be worth immense amounts. Oh right, thats it, it wouldn't.

Well thats up to you if you want to make ONE coin.
ofcourse i could theres nothing protecting the coin and the guy has the schematics for it on a website i could have 0 of 100 wrote on the coin if i wanted or 101 of 100.

wanna buy an ocuk coin? massive following here on the forums must be worth something one day

And your letter that came with your coin says....................
The tone of my post was clearly conversational - I asked a "why?" question and then followed it up with a "because" answer. It's not correct, strictly speaking, but given the rhetorical question and the conversational tone it is acceptable.

I'll bet you'd find it in newspaper articles etc. all the time.

Which newspaper the daily sport?.
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