Standard Def Projectors

Yeah I strongly reccomend going for a home cinema projector... the optoma HD series usually give good results for the money you pay and with a bit of color calibration they upscale DVD to 720 or 1080p with very good results...

Deffinatly worth paying for a darkchip DLP over an SD projector for movie watching.

BTW for those with the HD70 (might apply to other HD7 series too) its deffinatly worth getting the color calibration sorted as the image quality increases miles and color banding is hugely reduced... yellows especially are bad with the default settings. But when calibrated it looks amazing.

This is what I've got scribbled in my notes for that projector: (for a white or light grey screen)

contrast: 2
bright: 0
sharp: 1
brilliant color: 4
true vivid: 3
color temp: 1
red bias: -14
green bias: -12
blue bias: -13
image AI: off (personal preference)
red gain: 6
green gain: 5
blue gain: 6

think theres a couple of missing settings tho.
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