Star Trek Online: First Look!

Nieldo said:
I think Its a case of a crew (Or guilds as you might know it) owns the ship, and from the ship they can do different missions.

The ship is what guild owned towns were in SWG...

And what player owned stations are in Eve

I hope not i'm a more of a solo player so having to group up with people to run your own ship would be bad for solo players
only thing im concerned about will be the player base, whilst you will have all your fairly sensible star trek fans and gamers, there may also be armies of trekies taking the game way to seriously and possibly ruining elements of gameplay for others
The only down if we do get to have ships (we don't even know if they will be playable yet) is if they are guild owned then its really down to a few friends of the guildmaster how things go and where the ship goes.

Might be that ships are NPC driven and you 'assign' to each one for a mission. And then groups could use runabouts. Perhaps guilds could own smaller ships but no huge galaxy class ones? Dunno really, but i think it would be more fun.

thing is, do you get classes? wonder what they could be.
the thing u gotta think about this is who would want to be an engineer .... unless in the game u have to actually properly fix things (instead of hold use) .. and there are enough things to fix at any one time to need 10 people in the engine room i wouldn't see people doing that day in day out .... it goes like this... hmm shall i be a helmsmen and fly the ship ... or shall i be an engineer and press and hold e while looking at a console every now and then
I want to be a doctor and spend day after day (and all my monthly fee) looking down the latest gravimetric microscope at some strange DNA or waving a flashy light thing over a petri dish.
I think most people will agreee that TnG IS startrek, bar the original series. I personally prefered DS9, but from what I've seen, the majority prefer TnG. I assume it's to appeal to the biggest audience they can.

If they set it in *cough Enterprise , no where near as many people would be interested.
True, but the decor is still that of the late 80s. IMO it hasn't aged very well. Compare with medievil settings. Very old, but still age well and don't look old fashioned.
I have always preffered Voyager myself. Hated the newest prequel one because they made so many mistakes on the history sompared to the other series.

This looks good. I am blocked at work is there any info on whether this will have a fee?!
ooo sounds good im still a bit worried how the game itself will work, seems a lot to try and incorporate and twist to suit the needs of a game, namely if we do get player controlled ships not everyone is gonna want to work a subordinate role, they'll all want to be bridge crew
DJammyRasta said:
the thing u gotta think about this is who would want to be an engineer .... unless in the game u have to actually properly fix things (instead of hold use) .. and there are enough things to fix at any one time to need 10 people in the engine room i wouldn't see people doing that day in day out .... it goes like this... hmm shall i be a helmsmen and fly the ship ... or shall i be an engineer and press and hold e while looking at a console every now and then

I think classes like 'engineers' could have skills that would aid a group. Perhaps all can fire phasers and do 'cool stuff' like flying. But each class as their class skills. (kinda like rf-online). So engineers can repair items and enchance weapons. Medics can heal and cure (priests), security will be more like tanks with increased skill in weapons and such.

Hmm...we should link this post to the guys who are making it ;)
Quantic said:
Plus, it is set 30 years after Nemesis!

Hmmm thats a bad move to start with we wont be able to meet all the main series characters players wont have anyone to relate too (Bar them being extremely old). It would be like playing Star Wars Galaxies without Luke/Leia/Han and WoW without Thrall etc.
Quantic said:
Plus, it is set 30 years after Nemesis! So it's post everything we have seen!
That's a shame. I was hoping it would take place during TNG and you'd actually get to see everything change in-game as it does in the series.

That said, setting it after does provide them with far more freedom to do what they like with it. From what I've read about the strength of the license they've aquired, I think whatever main story happens in it is going to be officially recognised as Star Trek storyline.
Wouldn't it be better to negate the lower roles, such as engineers etc to NPC.

For instance, the main goal is to become a captain first, once you have done that you get a starship, then you have to level up the various areas of the "crew", which you control, but aren't actually real people. a lot like the game bridge commander, but the crew can level up and perform things more efficiently?

I can't really see many, wanting to be bog standard crewmen, etc, doing the same menial things day in day out.
ljt said:
I can't really see many, wanting to be bog standard crewmen, etc, doing the same menial things day in day out.

Yeah every 1 is gonna grind to lvl 60 so they can use that uber starship ;)
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