Star Trek XI confirmed, 2008

Sounds bloody terrible, how can you find a young shatner? seriously there is and will only ever be the one!

they're trying to be too clever, stick to the plot of first contact...invasion...big battles and badass enemies.

Personally i'd like to see an invasion by that species from voyager who kicked the borgs butt, along with the borg, all invading at the same time...brutal.
chimaera said:
Sounds bloody terrible, how can you find a young shatner? seriously there is and will only ever be the one!

they're trying to be too clever, stick to the plot of first contact...invasion...big battles and badass enemies.

Personally i'd like to see an invasion by that species from voyager who kicked the borgs butt, along with the borg, all invading at the same time...brutal.
Matt Damon is rumoured for Kirk and Adrian Brody is rumoured as Spock. James McAvoy is rumoured as Scotty and Gary Sinise is supposed to the front funner for Bones.

I'd be happy with McAvoy and Sinise in those roles. I'm pretty sure that Brody would make an excellent Spock. As for Damon as Kirk...
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Just to be nerdy but its unlikely that Sp 8472 would invade Earth.

"Concerned about the threat posed by Humanity with its modified nanoprobe-warheads, Species 8472 created a simulation of Starfleet Academy on Earth inside a Species 8472 biosphere in the Delta Quadrant as a training ground for a potential infiltration of the Federation. However, the plan was uncovered and eventually stopped by the crew of the USS Voyager, who convinced Species 8472 that the Federation had no hostile intention toward them by giving them their modified nanoprobe warheads in hope that Species 8472 could adapt their vessels " Source:

All friends together.

Then again, it could just be a cunning ploy by the Darma Initiative to lull us into a false sense of security.

BTW, I can see it now.
"Matt Damon!!! I mean, James T. Kirk!" :D

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They REALLY need to stop looking in the past and move forward in the time line, yes I know they have reached a point of abit of a technological apex (enterprise e, voyager stuff they picked up on the way back, quantum slip stream, transwarp etc) has I suppose all gone a little far and that

I think a new series sort of voyager-esque with the ship being flung to the Andromeda galaxy, but the ship being bigger than a galaxy class enterprise D, but all latest stuff (even newer than ent e)

However what they could then do is move away from 'trek' as such as there's no chance of them getting back, or there is, that's there aim; but its 2 million light years from the milky way.............anyways the aliens in the andromeda galaxy should be proper aliens (not actors with paint splashed on, something REALLY alien !) and they can let there story line run riot, bring it really dark and moody and interesting, BSG style, mixed with the alien films...........with this 1 earth ship........really let the characters develop more and yeah basically move away from trek namby pamby and get gritty, basically trek done with the attitudes and almost style of bsg/alien universe, but somet new

That id pay to see :D
Castor said:
It gets my goat that most people slated Enterprise, i thought it was pretty damn good and ill always say that season 3 was probably one of the best seasons out of all the Treks. :D

Spot on!
well im hoping this will be a good film, if im honest i enjoyed all of them with of course undiscovered country top of the list. Im a big trek fan having watched probablt nearly every ep of every series made. maybe though it is time for the franchise just to sleep for 10 years. came back with a big bang, get all the reruns on to grab a whole new audience once agian.

to be quite honest the original series is still quality entertainment. the acting is poor, the effects laughable, the fights of pure comedy and the same things happeneing nearly every ep (kirk kissing woman while holding her biceps, mcoy saying "im a doctor jim not a x", etc). despite all that, its still great TV. thats a testament to how strong the original show was.

from what i heard most of the team that worked on enterprise and the last few films got the boot. the new guys can bring some bakc if they want but i do tihnk it was time for a clean sweep.
checjb said:
Just to be nerdy but its unlikely that Sp 8472 would invade Earth.

"Concerned about the threat posed by Humanity with its modified nanoprobe-warheads, Species 8472 created a simulation of Starfleet Academy on Earth inside a Species 8472 biosphere in the Delta Quadrant as a training ground for a potential infiltration of the Federation. However, the plan was uncovered and eventually stopped by the crew of the USS Voyager, who convinced Species 8472 that the Federation had no hostile intention toward them by giving them their modified nanoprobe warheads in hope that Species 8472 could adapt their vessels " Source:

All friends together.


Ahh but there's the genius, they were only lying to get the technology that could kill them, and in secret they carry on their plans and actually invade the federation.

This then leads to the federation being butt kicked, with only DS9 holding out, then the film climaxes with a huge battle at DS9 involving the enterprise, voyager and the rest of the fleet. a star trek movie needs a huge space battle like wolf *number* where they fought the borg, this could be awesome, Picard, Sisko and Janeway all join up to kick ass.
chimaera said:
wolf *number*

ahem, Wolf 359 lol

i have to say, the battle sequences at the end of the DS9 series were incredible.

id like to see more fighty fighty and kirks era i think is the right place to do it, once you got past that it was oh talk first then fight maybe, with kirk it was punch the dude in the face, spinning drop kick the accomplice and then ask questions later.
Castor said:
It gets my goat that most people slated Enterprise, i thought it was pretty damn good and ill always say that season 3 was probably one of the best seasons out of all the Treks. :D

for sure, add bits to season 4 to that as well, shame they cancelled it and had that awful excuse of an episode for the last one...
Todge said:
to be quite honest the original series is still quality entertainment. the acting is poor, the effects laughable, the fights of pure comedy and the same things happeneing nearly every ep (kirk kissing woman while holding her biceps, mcoy saying "im a doctor jim not a x", etc). despite all that, its still great TV. thats a testament to how strong the original show was.
Agree. I've been watching the repeats of the original series on BBC2 on Fridays and it's so much more enjoyable than any of the other Treks. The effects and acting are poor by todays standards but the stories and entertainment more than make up for it. Last week it was pancake shaped aliens attacking people and the week before that it was mind altering flowers. Cracking stuff :D
chimaera said:
Ahh but there's the genius, they were only lying to get the technology that could kill them, and in secret they carry on their plans and actually invade the federation.

This then leads to the federation being butt kicked, with only DS9 holding out, then the film climaxes with a huge battle at DS9 involving the enterprise, voyager and the rest of the fleet. a star trek movie needs a huge space battle like wolf *number* where they fought the borg, this could be awesome, Picard, Sisko and Janeway all join up to kick ass.

well that won't work, due to various plot endings that do not allow some of these to happen. *edited for spoiler, i can't spare that many kitkats!*

enterprise was axed just as it got good. big shame but it went out on a high.
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Steeps said:
well that won't work, Janeway is an admiral, Sisko is dead and Picard just loves dimolishing ships that i doubt he'd be given another.

enterprise was axed just as it got good. big shame but it went out on a high.

Well now you've just gone and told me the ending of DS9 :p i've been working my way through the box sets, never got to see the final series back in the day as i didn't have sky.

Next thing you'll be telling me that Bruce Willis was a ghost and frodo doesn't die :p

You owe me, i accept payment in blood and/or kitkats :o ;)
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