Star Trek XI confirmed, 2008

jesus christ as much as i love startrek, they are scraping the barrel now for story lines..

i was watching an enterprise episode the other day, where trip was shot down on a planet with an alien, he can hardly communicate so theres lots of sign language etc but eventually they become communicating (barely) buddies and work together to achieve a common goal.

Anyone remember the STTNG episode darmok? picard and some alien go though the EXACT same thing!
sam83uk said:
jesus christ as much as i love startrek, they are scraping the barrel now for story lines..

i was watching an enterprise episode the other day, where trip was shot down on a planet with an alien, he can hardly communicate so theres lots of sign language etc but eventually they become communicating (barely) buddies and work together to achieve a common goal.

Anyone remember the STTNG episode darmok? picard and some alien go though the EXACT same thing!

And even then it wasnt origonal, didnt they rip it off from that dennis quade movie Enemy Mine?
The entire storyline of Enterprise was stupid, if you're going to destroy the enemies home planet in pre-emptive strike you don't send a lesser probe only to do moderate damage, as you give that species time to counter-attack. You would send the full weapon to totally destroy Earth in the first place. It's like Pearl Harbour- Japs only send one zero to attack the docks. The full airfleet will arrive in several months time.

Still what's this little snafu to believability to ST writers? :rolleyes:
chimaera said:
Well now you've just gone and told me the ending of DS9 :p i've been working my way through the box sets, never got to see the final series back in the day as i didn't have sky.

Next thing you'll be telling me that Bruce Willis was a ghost and frodo doesn't die :p

You owe me, i accept payment in blood and/or kitkats :o ;)

oops, as you seemed to hint a knowledge of endings i thought you knew. please email me your address so i can send off payment asap.

did frodo die? :eek:
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