Star wars galaxies

I was thinking about this as well over lunch, I took over when he left but for the life of me i cant remember what his name was! I have some screenshots on a USB drive at home somewhere I will have a look and see what i can find.
He started Black when he was crafting armour, at the time it was the best Comp armour on the server and I was a founding member with him and a few others, He made up my Night-sister parts into armour for me.

He played EQ2 with us for a month or so and then disappeared, the guild struggled on through EQ2 and WOW for a bit before becoming more of a groupchat than anything else with members spread over different games.

For some reason I keep thinking his name started with a V or a B. It's literally in the back of my mind but it just won't come to me! I keep thinking something like Botega or Vega or something like that!
ill be instaling this tomorrow so if any 1 plays on the SWGemu let me know and we can team up as its always more fun to party up
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