Star wars spoilers

If a total nobody like Rian Johnson hadn't been hired to boink Kathy Kennedy and in return got to do whatever he wanted odds are 8 and 9 could have turned out decently. But when you turn episode 8 into an exercise into undoing everything thaat was set up in the previous movie you're pretty much SOL in salvaging it in the third movie without having to have it be 3+ hours long trying to fix what was broken in episode 8.

Episode 9 was such a half assed rushed version it was comical, there are rumours saying that the version that was released wasn't even Abrams final cut and he was "shocked" to see that Disney had changed things around so much without him knowing. Apparently he didn't even know til he was watching it at the premiere. Of course true or not they'll likely never say outright what went on, too much behind the scenes drama.
As much as TLJ sucked calling a guy with a critically acclaimed film and directed the often cited best episode of any TV show a nobody is a bit off the mark.
As much as TLJ sucked calling a guy with a critically acclaimed film and directed the often cited best episode of any TV show a nobody is a bit off the mark.

In terms of movie directing he basically was a nobody, before episode 8 he had only a few movies under his belt, all comparatively low budget compared to star wars. 30 million for looper to a supposed 300+ million for last jedi is a hell of a leap.
456 great 123 also ok 3 is great imho.
7 was ok before 8 and 9 existed.
8 and 9 garbage from start to finish.
As much as TLJ sucked calling a guy with a critically acclaimed film and directed the often cited best episode of any TV show a nobody is a bit off the mark.

Well, directing and writing are two very different things. Rian didn't need to write those critically acclaimed TV episodes (much better script writters than him wrote those), and the Films of his are standalones and thus just proves the case that they had no idea what to do for a continuation inside an establised story; which is what Episode 8 was. So yes, Rian pretty much was a nobody in this instance, as they had zero experience in doing anything similar. Which is why he's a nobody, since I, or anyone else with zero experience would do around the same, and WE are nobodies.

If the story was set down and only he directed (because there's nothing glaringly obviously bad with the directing or style of their directing), likely we wouldn't be in this mess, but they decided to write it too. And we all know how that went.


Personally, 4, 5, 6 is excellent as always.

1, 2 and 3 got some undeserved flak in "some" instances, not all or many in fact. But certainly some was unwarranted (attacks on cast). But it "felt" like Star Wars, you could see and feel the continuity despite the letdowns in various areas of 1-3 (like story progression; badly chosen age ranges to show across three films of Anakins downfall).

7, I've always said and still maintain, was a fine reintroduction for the sequel trilogy, as it has been near 10 years since the last Star Wars and people could be forgiven for wondering if it'll be more of the OT or the PT. Thankfully it at least felt like the OT enough and had enough plot points to continue with it. This was at least a sign that it could feel the same going forward.

Then 8 came. I watched this in the theatre and never went back to Star Wars again in the cinema. I don't even care about 9 as 8 basically cut a tangent into the entire ST, killing it in its track. Even though I've said many times that 8, if it was a side adventure/story of Star Wars, it likely could do well (like Joker, for differing reasons but close enough if it was a side story), but it was terrible for a continuation from 7. But all everyone could do was try to pile on and tell me I'm an "ist" of some kind and that's why I'm wrong about it and that it's fantastic. Yep. So fantastic that Star Wars is on life support AFTER Mandalorian managed to necro it with 2 seasons, and that took some effort to do since it could easily have failed.

And this once again, is all because of "subverting expectations" for the sake of "art", Rian wanted to do a Stand Alone movie inside a trilogy, which screwed 9, and messed up any reason for 7.
How to really spoil Star wars.

Weird isn't it, but to me it felt soulless and empty. Each to their own tho.

I realised that later.

But that first trip to the IMAX cinema in Leicester Square was an amazing experience.

Lol, I was the same! I saw it on Imax and was amazed, then saw it a week later and that initial "wow" had worn off at then you could really see the many flaws it had and how flat it was in reality.
Lol, I was the same! I saw it on Imax and was amazed, then saw it a week later and that initial "wow" had worn off at then you could really see the many flaws it had and how flat it was in reality.

Yea same, first time I saw EP7 was thinking here we are, Star Wars is back, then of course Rogue One came, which I really like and to be fair enough still think that one is great.

But then of course came 8 and I was like wtf is this, and when I went back to watch 7 it completely ruined both of those, hard to explain how a movie can ruin another but it did.

Obviously I had already given up all hope by 9 which was awful as well.

I still think Rogue One is decent.
As much as TLJ sucked calling a guy with a critically acclaimed film and directed the often cited best episode of any TV show a nobody is a bit off the mark.

It does baffle me how he could have done Ozymandias and then absolutely **** the bed with SW, however it could be argued all the ground work as there with breaking bad and he was just building on what came before (oh, wait :D ), regardless it's a fantastic episode of television. I think he did a few episodes before that as well here and there.
It does baffle me how he could have done Ozymandias and then absolutely **** the bed with SW, however it could be argued all the ground work as there with breaking bad and he was just building on what came before (oh, wait :D ), regardless it's a fantastic episode of television. I think he did a few episodes before that as well here and there.
All he had to do with ozymandias was direct, he had nothing to do with the writing, unlike tlj.
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