Starbound - adventure, terraria graphics designer ( INDIE )

I know I've mentioned this on the server but it probably should be repeated.

Be aware that during this stage of the beta the devs have said that world/character wipes will occur regularly.

Also a heads-up: There are reports of the universe/worlds being randomly wiped at server restart. I have set the config file option that should disallow this but it is possible that this bug could kick in and we could lose the universe. I recommend storing anything important on your ship.
If they wipe the characters would that not also wipe the ship? Would it also be wiping the character save file?

Thanks for the heads up though, there's a lot more to come but I feel like I'm playing a full release :D
If they wipe the characters would that not also wipe the ship? Would it also be wiping the character save file?

Yes it would.

However, wiping the universe is a separate process to wiping the characters so it's quite possible that at some point one of them will be wiped whilst the other is not.

So I guess you just have to choose which one to gamble keeping your most important stuff in :p Given the possible bug with resetting universes I mentioned I think trusting your ship/characters files is the safest bet right now but for all I know they could release an update tonight that wipes characters (let's hope not though).
Think i will wait a little longer until this is finished.

There's actually a ton of playability in it given the earliness of the beta. If you're worried about instability/possible character/world losses then waiting until the next stage might be an idea though, yeah. The next stage should have a lot more quest content too I'm hoping.
Anyone worked out how to use dyes? I've got a red one but cant apply it to my armour. Possibly it only fixes to certain armour types.

Bit of a biggy. Can you start to craft better weapons and armour when you get that flux capacitor fimmamjig from the boss?
No idea /re dyes sorry :S

I just had to restart the server to sort out an issue that was stopping new characters from being able to teleport to the starting planet. Config change seems to have fixed the issue and no universe wipe - phew :)
I was running a small dedicated server for myself and a few friends by transferring the assets and win32 folder from my steam download to the dedicated box. This worked fine until the update and now it just won't allow connections.

I'm presuming its because the software server side needs updating to match the client but does anyone know how to do this without losing the present map?

I tried transferring just the new server_bound.exe over but that just came up with a config error when I restarted the server.
Server is lagging hard atm FT, a number of others talking about it! However in was only in the last hour :)

Other than that, having a blast!




Last game I spent this many hours on just trying to get the best loot was Skyrim

This is way more improved over terraria :D
By the time my client crashed out tonight, the server had become really, really laggy. Finally gave up the ghost and gave an error about not being synced.

I'm not surprised, given the size of the game universe, and how many objects it has to keep track of.
Sounds like it has been rough around the edges but not too terrible given the alpha/beta nature of the whole thing :)

Hopefully things will get better shortly..

I reckon the server software currently has a few major issues /re cpu usage and ram usage. In an ideal world it wouldn't require regular reboots but right now anything more than 24 (actually, less than 12) hours is a bit much. I'll try and keep an eye on things - as will maxi - and hopefully things will hold up...
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Hi, could I join your server please? I am just downloading Starbound now. No idea what I have to do but looking at the number of players on Steam it can't be bad :)

Where do I find the Server IP? Or is it invite only due to the fact people could destroy your world? That's not me btw.
Has anyone figured out how worlds and players are saved across single/multi player?

From what I can tell, you can manage characters and their inventory via the files in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\player

But I'm not sure how worlds work. There's a universe folder here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\universe

Does this mean there's one universe per PC and all single/multi player games use the same file? What if I want to start a new universe from scratch and have nothing built?
Given how many stars and planets there are it seems unlikely you'll wind up crossing over yourself anytime soon. The answers will probably become apparent soon enough though.
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