Starbound - adventure, terraria graphics designer ( INDIE )

This is what's annoying, I don't want to progress my char if its going to be wiped.

Yeah, I agree. I want to play more but I'm feeling I should wait it out.

I can understand why they don't want to give exact time frames but it does make things a little frustrating. On top of that, loads of people on the forums seem to have assumed a guesstimate of "a couple of days" to be a promise for exactly two days. I really hope the update does come out tonight - it's just quite possible that it won't.
So..I'm still not seeing any word from the devs that confirms the update will be this evening - or even today.

It's quite possible based on them saying "a couple of days" two days ago but to be honest I wouldn't absolutely assume that we're going to get something through tonight.

I've only seen this:

Starbound ‏@StarboundGame 17h
Aiming for tomorrow for the new patch, guys! Hopefully it'll help with a lot of you experiencing crashes, too!
17h ago? I hope it's deployed because I want to play!

Probably create a MP character to join on the server. And have a SP char. for planetary dominance! :p
For the peeps playing MP don't forget there is a mumble server you can hop on to hopefully party with some people.

There were 26+ players on the other day but it is so tricky to actually play with anyone without comms/setting up a party!

New rough eta on the patch:

(11:04:46 AM) Tiy: im working on the patch right now
(11:04:59 AM) Tiy: hopefully it will be done tonight
(11:05:01 AM) Tiy: if not early tomorrow
(11:05:16 AM) Tiy: all the code work is done
(11:05:21 AM) Tiy: but i have 1000 numbers to tweak and test
(11:05:24 AM) Tiy: lets see if i can do it in time

Tiy is one of the developers and UK based I believe so maybe sometime this evening. I think this was posted about an hour ago. (11am is not the UK based time).
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This is looking quite interesting:

(Mon, 06:22:28P) @Tiy: capturing monsters is so ridiculously fun
(Mon, 06:22:37P) @Tiy: its not finished by a long shot, but the version we push in the update is still really fun
(Mon, 06:22:53P) @Tiy: yeah pets
(Mon, 06:23:06P) @Tiy: currently it works like this
(Mon, 06:23:13P) @Tiy: you craft a creature capture station
(Mon, 06:23:17P) @Tiy: and use that to craft capture pods
(Mon, 06:23:24P) @Tiy: you lower certain monsters to lower than 50% health
(Mon, 06:23:27P) @Tiy: throw a capture pod at them
(Mon, 06:23:29P) @Tiy: if it hits
(Mon, 06:23:33P) @Tiy: they go inside and it drops on the floor
(Mon, 06:23:35P) @Tiy: you pick it up
(Mon, 06:23:37P) @Tiy: and next time you throw it
(Mon, 06:23:39P) @Tiy: they pop out
(Mon, 06:23:40P) @Tiy: follow you around
(Mon, 06:23:42P) @Tiy: fight for you
(Mon, 06:23:46P) @Tiy: if they die, they pop back in
(Mon, 06:23:50P) @Tiy: and you have to pick it up again
(Mon, 06:23:57P) @Tiy: some stuff NOT in this version
(Mon, 06:24:05P) @Tiy: theres no way to call them back
So they have implemented pokemon? Sounds good :) I'm trying to stop myself buying this game and burning out on it while its in beta but its becoming increasingly hard with all the new features appearing.
Any updates on the patch?
Currently at work and waiting for the patch before playing some more. Trying not too pour too much time into this is hard especially as there will probably be frequent wipes.
Phew, finally beat X sector. Don't think there's anything beyond Imprevium?

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