Starcraft 2

19 Nov 2004
I loved the 1st one and heard rumours of number 2 in the pipeline. I seem to remember a trailer at the end of Warcraft 3. Anyone got any info on this? Will it ever be released?
Its a shame really as S:Ghost was looking rather good in the release materials I saw on and off for the few years before it was cancelled, always looked pretty decent too...
there have been rumours over the years SC2 and diablo3 has/is being worked on. think before this years e3 someone from blizzard stated that its been put on hold for a while now
Yaka said:
there have been rumours over the years SC2 and diablo3 has/is being worked on. think before this years e3 someone from blizzard stated that its been put on hold for a while now

Probably due to the money machine that is WOW, would be financially silly to take people away from WOW for Diablo.

And SC1 is good enough, although if they did the same game with a graphical overhaul I would buy it in a second, would be amazing!
None of the original SC team are with blizzard and based on WCIII a SC2 RTS would suck hard in comparison to SC1 :(
How do you all think Word Of Starcraft would go down? I would imagine very well particularly of its popularity in the Far East
I've lost all faith in a sequel appearing during my lifetime. I mean, it's been almost 10 years now; if something was going to happen, surely it would have happened by now.

Blizzard should change their name to World of Warcraft Inc.
DJammyRasta said:
lol u dont like wc3 either ?

seriously have to play starcraft one day just to see why you love it so ;)

Cant believe you have never played SC. You need to play it man!

Would love to see SC2, but if none of the original development team are with Blizzard then it would be a very different game. Would probably still buy it. Not sure if world of starcraft would have the same impact as WOW.
Yewen said:
Probably due to the money machine that is WOW, would be financially silly to take people away from WOW for Diablo.

And SC1 is good enough, although if they did the same game with a graphical overhaul I would buy it in a second, would be amazing!

That wouldn't happen though, Diablo has never ever been a subscription based game. It's a small scale RPG as opposed to a large scale RPG like WoW. I can imagine (i know I would) that people will play bother simultaneously.
Kreeeee said:
Nope, tis pants.

Dawn of War and Total annihilation are pretty good, along with the older C&Cs

I got Dawn of War a few weeks ago and I haven't stopped playing it since.
It might be the best RTS i've played since AOEII.

And just so you know, the Imperial Guard owns j00
There was some form of mod a while ago I believe, I think it was in the generals engine, but we all know how efficient the Blizzard lawyers are at going for the juggular onthose sorts of projects.
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