Stargate MMO announced

Proc said:
Always said SG-1 would make a good MMO and this will hopefully be it,
so many ways to expand the game... LOOK ANOTHER STARGATE :D

Sounds cool, hope i dont have to play an american though :p
You guys realise that this is at very early stages - talking probably 2 years at the very least until beta starts.

I imagine they might be readying it for when they stop making Sg1 perhaps.

As with all MMORPGs this can either be done VERY well or VERY badly.

I mean look at The Matrix - you couldnt have a better premade storyline / world if you tried. Yet they managed to **** that one up. Which took real skill since The Matrix is essentially forced MMORPG :p
Best news I've heard recently!!!!!!!!! How cool is this going to be, forget DaoC and WoW! So much for running dow the halls of the SCG with a P90 I spose I'll have to settle for a replicator hunt or something!!!
Lots of potential to be really good, even if it's strictly a guild wars type thing, ie. stargate command is the only common area, everything through the stargate is instanced. I think I'd nearly prefer to see it this way. More true to the spirit of the TV show if it's just you and your SG team, rather than you and 300 kiddies trying to camp Apophis. You could have larger player limits for raid type instances, eg taking down a mothership.
Dont forget the alpha site and that stuff, they could even add more offworld sites for the MMO. maybe even defend a few of them from attack.
Please be good, please be good, please be good, please be good.

This could be such a great game!
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