Stargate SG1 - The Alliance

31 Aug 2004
I've just checked and it's now available for pre order with a release date of February 24th. I thought JoWood back out yet their name is on the page.

I really hope this is all correct though for some reason I don't think things will go to plan.
Last time I read about this game was that it was most likely canned. Read something about it not been true to the stargate universe, I'll wait for a few reviews before buying.
wnb said:
Last time I read about this game was that it was most likely canned. Read something about it not been true to the stargate universe, I'll wait for a few reviews before buying.

Yeah I think it was JoWood who said they couldn't keep the game up to the standard of the TV series.
last thing i heard the publisher backed out i think because te game was basicly crap. After seeing those screenshots I wasnt to hopeful, looks like they have taken a great name and just made a crap game with it.I really like stargate as well :(
I'm just going to go back and watch re runs of when Teal'c got stuck in a computer game and hope I'll be able to run down the halls of the SGC with a P90 sometime soon. :P
lol that episode was good :)

Starget SG1 is on tomorrow for us UKers who havnt yet finished the last series, and battlestar series two is starting also... good days to be a sci fi fan!
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