If this was a release title I say it's a bit of mess, but for an early access game fresh out of alpha it's fantastically good. The gameplay mechanics are solid, shooting hordes of bugs is very satisfying, even after the first few hours. And that's without any dismemberment or proper gore, both of which are mentioned in their roadmap.
Yes they have 100% embraced the cheese and satire of the 1997 movie. If you're a fan of that movie you will love this game.
Looks good enough graphically, nothing cutting edge but it does the job, explosions look very cool, weapon effects need some work.
Performance was great most of the time, but at the end of every mission when dozens and dozens of them swarm your base and everyone is fighting in the same small area it does affect performance, I was able to maintain 50-70fps even at the worst moments and GPU/CPU usage were both way below 100% so there's certainly optimisation to be done but it's perfectly playable for me right now. The rest of the time fps was comfortably stable at my fps cap of 120 (this is at 3840x2160, 75% resolution scaling, graphics quality on 'high', PC specs in my sig). I tried a few different things to increase fps in the most hectic moments including reducing the resolution and quality settings but they didn't have much effect.
Sound effects are passable and I expect they'll be much improved by release, no glaringly annoying problems though. There also team chat and proximity chat, people are quite chatty but also quite friendly, not come across the toxicity that plagues many such online games these days.
Progression system is one of this game's strengths, you have an overall rank which only goes up to five, you'll get to rank 5 within a few hours and this is only to unlock a more involved game mode. There are three character classes, hunter (general soldier), bastion (heavy soldier) and operator (medic, support), you choose one at the start of each game and cannot change your choice during the game. Each of these characters is levelled separately up to 20, you unlock weapons, tools, perks, throwables etc which greatly increase your general ability. This progression is very fun but IMHO the classes are not well balanced right now, the operator can do as much damage as the others but you can also heal/revive yourself and others easily which makes it more powerful than the other classes. The hunter can sprint faster and you get a jetpack but that's about it. The bastion has heavier armour. What's weird is you unlock the better weapons at an earlier level on operator than the others, but hey ho.
The building system is simple but functional. Having someone on your team who knows how to build strong defenses and do it quickly (you only get 2 minutes to build before the final onslaught of bugs at the end) makes a massive difference to the chance of success.
There are 3 difficulty levels, "easy" which I only used once when learning the game mechanics, it's no challenge at all once you know how to play. "Normal" isn't really too much of a challenge if the majority of the 16 players are competent, I play this difficulty when playing alone or with only a small group. "Hard" is really quite difficult unless you have a full 16 strong team of experienced and coordinated players. Sticking together, being aware of where your team mates are and where they are moving to is essential, and you need plenty of operators to heal everyone.
There are many placeholders in the menus for things yet to be added like weapons/perks/grenades, a 4th difficulty level, more game modes etc. So they obviously have solid plans to flesh all this stuff out before release.
Tips for beginners: make sure the 'use' function, build tool, grenade and class special ability are on easy-to reach key bindings, you'll use them a lot. Don't go exploring on your own, you'll just die, stick with team mates. You can respawn with no penalty through most of the game but at certain phases the respawns are disabled. You can be endlessly revived by team mates, after dying you have 20 seconds where you can be revived by anyone. Refill ammo at every opportunity.