STARTED! Baghdad Being bombed - Post made by Mr. OverclockerBloke, War Fanatic

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Originally posted by Over Clocker

Mr Hague just made an excellent speach on Question time. He used extracts from the above, and from my posts too!!

I kid you not!

Is he a user of these Forums??

I watched Question Time too (for half an hour or so) and Piers Morgan was excellent in putting the anti-war case I thought.
Anyone else watching the Iraqi Interior Minister waving his chromed Kalishnikov around at a "press" conference

Highlights include:

No Iraqi soldiers have surrendered - Everything we've seen is allied propaganda.

Umm Qasr not yet entered by allied forces - Starnge how Adam Mynoyy (BBC) says the opposite.
Re: Re: Score!

Originally posted by needmorespeed
where you getting that from
From Iraq resistance sources, its been rumoured that he survived another assassination attempt recently and whilst arguing with someone from his brothers militia, suffered a cerebral haemorrhage.

All the above is rumour. There is no evidence for it.
Re: Re: Score!

Originally posted by needmorespeed
where you getting that from
From Iraq resistance sources, its been rumoured that he survived another assassination attempt recently and whilst arguing with someone from his brothers militia, suffered a cerebral haemorrhage.

All the above is rumour. There is no evidence for it.
For the first time is recent times, a sizeable number of US Troops are under direct command from a different country.

A large number of US Marines are under direct British command and stationed abaord the HMS Ark Royal.

Also, reports from the Ark Royal say 250 Iraqi soldiers surrendered to the Marines. Unclear whether they are regular Iraqi soldiers or Revolutionary.
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For the first time is recent times, a sizeable number of US Troops are under direct command from a different country.

A large number of US Marines are under direct British command and stationed abaord the HMS Ark Royal.

Also, reports from the Ark Royal say 250 Iraqi soldiers surrendered to the Marines. Unclear whether they are regular Iraqi soldiers or Revolutionary.
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Originally posted by Over Clocker
For the first time, a sizeable number of US Troops are under command from a different country.

A large number of US Marines are under direct British command and stationed abaord the HMS Ark Royal.
Originally posted by Over Clocker
For the first time, a sizeable number of US Troops are under command from a different country.

A large number of US Marines are under direct British command and stationed abaord the HMS Ark Royal.
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