hey everyone,
ive been putting this off for a while but now the time has come where i need to back up my data, very old and important data, which will continue to be topped up with more data. mostly pictures(sizes from 100mb per picture hi res)
and also im going to be holding videos, which will be from all my old video 8 tapes. so ill have a lot of data which will be very valuable to me.
now i need this data to be on a "current" disk on my main pc which will have all data, and which will get used everyday, and will be on all day aswell. but also on this main computer, the software programs, and operating system data should be on another disk? so i could use primary - C: and secondary - second disk ?
that "current" disk maby two or one, will need to be big, now im thinking 500gb should be sufficient, but ive got a 250gb which is already full 30-40gb left. and the software drive which has windows on is a 80gb which is also full
then all this data will need to be backed up somewhere else? and im thinking just getting more disks on another pc which will not be on all the time, and just keep regular up dates?
please advise me on which steps i should take?
now i need to choose which brand disk i should use, and have been advised to use server harddrives? e.g. maxtor's Maxline Pro 500. good or bad? thats what im thinking?
ive used many disks before, started with ibm, had a bsod. then had a seagate, had problem with starting(mechanical problem). now got maxtor few different disks and had no problems. but everyone on here says there not very good?
ive been putting this off for a while but now the time has come where i need to back up my data, very old and important data, which will continue to be topped up with more data. mostly pictures(sizes from 100mb per picture hi res)
and also im going to be holding videos, which will be from all my old video 8 tapes. so ill have a lot of data which will be very valuable to me.
now i need this data to be on a "current" disk on my main pc which will have all data, and which will get used everyday, and will be on all day aswell. but also on this main computer, the software programs, and operating system data should be on another disk? so i could use primary - C: and secondary - second disk ?
that "current" disk maby two or one, will need to be big, now im thinking 500gb should be sufficient, but ive got a 250gb which is already full 30-40gb left. and the software drive which has windows on is a 80gb which is also full
then all this data will need to be backed up somewhere else? and im thinking just getting more disks on another pc which will not be on all the time, and just keep regular up dates?
please advise me on which steps i should take?
now i need to choose which brand disk i should use, and have been advised to use server harddrives? e.g. maxtor's Maxline Pro 500. good or bad? thats what im thinking?
ive used many disks before, started with ibm, had a bsod. then had a seagate, had problem with starting(mechanical problem). now got maxtor few different disks and had no problems. but everyone on here says there not very good?