Starting to get an itch.. RSV4 vs RC8R vs S1000RR... or Stick with the 10R

8 Oct 2005
Well the long winter nights are here and as usual i'm starting to get an itch that might be getting scratched early next year...

I currently have a 2008 ZX-10R and if money allows I may be looking at purchasing one of the above bikes. I want to try something different and fancy a V-twin, therefore the RSV4 and RC8R really appeal to me, I also love the looks and noise (RSV4 more so).

I would need to find an extra 5k or so, I will not be buying brand new. I guess the question is do I sink the extra wonga into one of these or just keep the ZX10R and mod it a little more...? it's more than fast enough anyway!

I do about 6,000miles a year including 4 or 5 tracks and a trip to the 'Ring most years.

Obviously I will test all of the above bikes in the new year but just wondered about your opinions? :)
Rsv4 is a v4 not a twin.. its a stunning bike and engine.. Rc8 i was disapointed in.. felt slow and just didnt feel right . But it gets good reviews . Bmw was very quick but no soul or character ..

Best to ride em and test for yourself
Rsv4 is a v4 not a twin.. its a stunning bike and engine

Yeah sorry I knew that, not sure why i said v-twin!

I'm leaning more towards the rsv4 tbh, love the sound! Only thing that puts me off slightly is that I take the other half as pillion a few times a year (only once or twice) does it even have a rear seat?!

EDIT: yes! It looks like it does. :)
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I would test them all and go from there, how big are you? the RSV4 really is tiny, I have to double check when I see the new RS125 that its not the 4 :D would not want to be a passenger one one for any length of time!
Yeah it is tiny isn't it! I'm 6ft so it may be to small.. I may look like a gorilla riding a mini moto. :(

She can suffer in pain on the back lol, she doesnt go far anyway!

Will give one a try ASAP :)
I wouldn't say the BMW had no soul or character. It's sharp and preceise as a surgical knife, but I still find it great fun to ride!

By the way, not biased at all :p.
@Morbius - I had a Street Triple R, although it was a great bike it just wasn't me. The only Triumph I think i would buy now is the 675R. Might get a test ride on that too.

@Ghosteh - I do love the 1000RR I just think it will be to much like my 10R, or any modern IL4 1000cc bike for that matter. I.e. very, very fast and capable but also slightly to clinical.
The RSV4 is absolutely sublime. It's an incredible piece of machinery and when set up for the rider there isn't much on two or four wheels that will touch it on the roads. They can be had for very reasonable prices now if you dig around.

It's a tough choice going by your shortlist though. All very accomplished bikes. Depends what you want from it though.
The RSV4 is absolutely sublime. It's an incredible piece of machinery and when set up for the rider there isn't much on two or four wheels that will touch it on the roads. They can be had for very reasonable prices now if you dig around.

I have to disagree, the 20th anniversary Fireblade is the best road bike in my opinion. No electronic stuff (unless you want ABS), just an amazing chassis with so much feedback. I took it out for a spin in the summer, the build & finish is fantastic. Not so great for a tall rider though

I found the RS4 glitchy & snatchy and the BMW s1000r a bit sterile (although really comfortable considering I'm 184cm tall).

The only problem with the Blade is that it looses out in the "top Trumps" paper statistics battle.
In my quest for a replacement for the Tuono i have tested all manner of different machines . Now i have no real plans to go back to a sportsbike but there a valid comparison to see if that extra power/character/handling would sway me .

I will list what i rode and give a short opinion (my opinion) .

kwak z1000 sx .. comfy quick and great all rounder .. scared me in the twistes.. to soft
bmw k1300s comfortable epic mile munching sterile . fast a roads and motorways only
s1000r epic fast.. nice toys.. comfy . no character .. linear
duc 1198 great sound.. character .. torque . uncomfortable snatchy
duc streetfighter as above
r1 .. epic noise . more character than any other il4 . didnt feel that fast
blade well built..ugly..bland felt slow
rc8r bit mad.. like someone built it in there shed. character but not "that" quick
zx10 felt very quick . handling was not what i expected ok for a il4
cb1000r .. yawn a torquey 600 . like the looks
tuono v4 . epic noise . hard seat/crap paint/needs a screen great engine

im sure there is stuff i have missed but there is 2-3 i could own .. but the only bike i loved and took on an extended test ride was the tuono . Now i might be biased as i have the v2 but its a new bike/engine and it really is epic . But its not epic enough for me to drop £13k (at the time) I might just get a new v4r without all the electronic gubbins and spent the rest on proper paint as i cant be doing with this semi gloss stuff there using atm .

And a last note i tested both the new triumphs as all i heard were good things.. the 1050 was a big disappointment and the 675 was great fun.. make of that what you will .
I know this has not really helped but may give you an idea what to try in yer quest for a new crotch rocket !!
Cheers guys and Thanks Persil for the great write up.

Not sure there is much point in getting another normal 1000cc IL4 as my ZX10R already has that base covered and does it's job very well indeed. I just fancy something a little different this time around. (I have always had IL4 bikes.. except a Street Triple)

So test rides are going to be: RSV4, RC8R, 675R, R1 and maybe also a S1000RR to just try it.

May throw in a Duc too.
That was a good year zx10r youre on so while the newer one is a lot more punch its not necessarily a whole new package worth several thousand quid swapping to. Ryan farquhar was still racing his 08 shaped one (as a superstock) in superbike races and winning as he preferred it- take from that what you will lol.

Id say if you were going to swap it would need to be significantly different or exotic so go and test ride the bikes youve mentioned and see how you get on!
Cheers Souleh, you're thinking along the same lines as me. My 10R is a great bike and just laughs at me most of the time, If I change it then it's got to be for something that I feel is much better and worth the extra money. I feel that may be hard...!
No hyper tourer things on there? ZZR14, Busa, VFR1200? I think of those I'd go for ZZR14. I'm 6'4 without shoes so kind of limited and the Busa seems low and cramped. I've seen a VFR hustle following me through the twisties till the pillion gave that universal sign to stop play (I assume) of a dig in the ribs as he was doing a pretty good job 2 up. ZZR14 I sat on when they first came out and it seemed to fit me like a glove. No idea how they disguise their weight on the move but all a fair bit heavier than what you're used to.

My own shortlist is a k5/6 GSXR 1k, ZX10 04/05, S1000r, zzr14 or 08 on Blade but I suspect I won't fit on a lot of those for very long before the back starts to send me messages. I can dream :) The k3/4 Thou is probably a more sensible option but sensible doesn't play much of a part in biking :)
No hyper tourer things on there? ZZR14, Busa, VFR1200? I think of those I'd go for ZZR14.

Really not my style, they have never really appealed to me... granted I haven't riden many, but i just prefer sports bikes and always have really. :)
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