Shame the was price is based on the price of the tv from 2-3 years ago. poor show

For example 47LW450U a current 47" 1080p Led tv can be found on Google for example£500

100hz vs 480hz and are they same LED and 3D technology?

I ask because I've got a Samsung True LED TV at home, not backlit but true LED, hence it cost £2500 at the time and the depth of blacks is far better than the new Samsung LED backlit TVs.

As such it's hard to compare models without knowing the technology used.
If I was dropping a grand on a Screen I'd want more than a 1 year warranty.

Id rather pay another 500-600 and get a 3 or 5 year warranty - purchasing one of these items is generally an event that occurs once every three to five years in the average household.
Hi Overclockers forum members.

I represent the suppliers to Overclockers for the LG tv's, and am here to answer any questions you might have.

Firstly, yes the tv's are covered by the sale of goods act.

the 1 year warranty is the warranty offerd by Overclockers. Outside if that it would apply to us.

The next question as about the refurbishment process. These have been refurbished by LG themselves. They are very particular in ensuring the products are of an acceptable quality before hey are released back into the market. They are re-packaged in to new boxes, and come complete with remotes etc. They will not have 3D glasses.

We do not know what the previous faults where, but we have been selling these for quite a while. The reason there are the quantities available, is we are the main clearance outlet, dealing with over 2,000 a month. Overclockers have selected the models they have listed because of their superior specification, and aesthetics.

Yes, they are last years model - but the specs should still stand up against current models, and the pricing for these specifications you will find hard to beat.

I will pop back every now and then and answer any questions i can.
Great price considering release price.

However as many above have pointed out.. dropping a grand on a screen without the possibility of it lasing no longer than 12 months?

Sorry but even £3-500 TV's typically come with a 5 year warranty

EDIT: Revlog posted at same time.

Revlog, if the 1 year warranty is with OcUK and then the manufacturer warranty or similar kicks in how long is the actual warranty? Obvisouly OcUk and yourselves are bound by DSR and SoGa, confirmation would be fantastic :)
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Feel like i should put my 2 cents in.

These are GREAT prices! LG are a very good brand and very reliable. I personally have LG 3D plasma and its great i paid about £500 for it however.....

I would have gone for the LED 3D as the LED screen is by far the better picture and for a 47" LED 3D TV for £800 is amazing value!

My TV came with 1 year warranty and i had to purchase the 5 year warranty. You can if you search find online extra warranty from companies which offer this for about £40.

Im impressed by the specs and the value here guys keep up the good work.
I thought 1 year warranty is standard practice on all TV's, The brand new Samsung TV I bought from the ****** group only has 12 months warranty unless I'm missing something?
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A trader advertises televisions for sale saying the price has been substantially discounted. In fact, they have only been on sale at the non-discounted price in very small numbers for a very short period of time in one of the trader’s numerous shops.

Whilst the trader’s advertisement may be factually correct, it is likely nonetheless to be deceptive.

The average consumer would have been deceived about the existence of a specific price advantage in a way that is likely to cause him to take a different decision about the television – in this case to buy it.

That is taken from an OFT document, you might want to reword the post Gibbo? :D
Got quite excited when I saw this thread but these tv's are too high spec for me, LG do cheaper lower spec 3D which I thought this was, gutted. I daresay they are a good price for what they are. Gibbo is the cheapest one 3D, not in the description or spec.:)
I dont see why u guys keep doing these deals that will only sour the name of OCUK.Refurbs are dell boy territory no matter how good the prices are and weither it be dell U3011's or LG 3D TV.It does not belong here and i only see OCUK offering refurb deals.

LG are not even a big brand either to be stocking.When i see LG i chuckle and think of dodgy salesmen who could do with reading www.hdtvtest.org.

If your going to sell proper TV's stock panasonic plasmas for 3D and samsungs for 2D.This 240HZ is garbage its a fake extra frame inserted to make blu-ray films look like HD eastenders clips.No matter what they say these will be 60HZ plugged into a PC and wont have any options like HDMI black level.You would have to calibrate it or use Nvidia driver options to adjust the color.

If you need a TV for a certain budget i guarantee Samsung or Panasonic do it better than LG.LG might get some of that cherry pie once they are the first out the door with OLED but once others start LG will start to go back to being just average.

www.hdtvtest.org this site should be any TV buyers bible.
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Correct me if I am wrong but do you not actually have to have sold the items at the original price in order to quote it?

I assume the ASA will have a dim view of this, quoting a was price from 2010.

I thought 1 year warranty is standard practice on all TV's, The brand new Samsung TV I bought from the ****** group only has 12 months warranty unless I'm missing something?

Yes, thats what resellers say, however the sales of good act states that a prodyct such as a TV should work for a reasonable amount of time ( 6 years for a TV) and the Law sides with you to obtain a warranty repair/replacement/refund if it fails.

9 times out of 10 - the option will be a refund, and the refund can be partial based on age of the unit, for example a 13 month old TV that cost you £500 which cannot be repaired you would get around £420 back, but the same TV being 5 years old you may only get £150 back.

That is taken from an OFT document, you might want to reword the post Gibbo? :D

Seems that OcUK are doing some dodgy advertising/marketing.

I dont see why u guys keep doing these deals that will only sour the name of OCUK.Refurbs are dell boy territory no matter how good the prices are and weither it be dell U3011's or LG 3D TV.It does not belong here and i only see OCUK offering refurb deals.

LG are not even a big brand either to be stocking.When i see LG i chuckle and think of dodgy salesmen who could do with reading www.hdtvtest.org.

If your going to sell proper TV's stock panasonic plasmas for 3D and samsungs for 2D.This 240HZ is garbage its a fake extra frame inserted to make blu-ray films look like HD eastenders clips.No matter what they say these will be 60HZ plugged into a PC and wont have any options like HDMI black level.You would have to calibrate it or use Nvidia driver options to adjust the color.

If you need a TV for a certain budget i guarantee Samsung or Panasonic do it better than LG.LG might get some of that cherry pie once they are the first out the door with OLED but once others start LG will start to go back to being just average.

www.hdtvtest.org this site should be any TV buyers bible.

480hz screens do NOT exist! Gibbo doesn't seem to get what the technology actually does.
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Having sold these tvs in the past, I can confirm that they are really quite special, along the lines of a Samsung d8000 in terms of image quality. I would have a search for the glasses though as the newer glasses won't work with these tvs and I know we stopped selling them.

Where I work we only offer 12 months warranty so it isn't like OcUK are being really shady. If anything its not bad for a refurb.
I don't get this thread.....if you don't like the deal, the door is over there guys

Whole idea of a forum is for folks to have informed discussions, voice their thoughts and for the less well informed to garner advice from the experiences and or knowledge of others.

I can see anything wrong with any of the comments on this thread so far....
Would we have any problems getting the manufacturers usual 3 year or 5 year extended warranties they usually offer with these tv's or would we need to go to a third party company as they are refurbished?
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