Stats still messed up on BF2?

Darren1987 said:
yep i did. gets them pretty quick but im 8mb net not sure what your using.

And its updating the first few days of the stats break, hence why you probably have no golds.

You should have been getting updates from most if not all of play from the 26th.

How much were they mate, and how big was the download around?
EF is nothing in BF2 really. Only a couple of servers run it. AF is better, slightly more servers but still lacking.
Steve09 said:
How much were they mate, and how big was the download around?

umm not massive by any means took like less than 5mins for me iirc.

just got another 1k in owed stats w00t ;D before i got these back i had 18 hours armour time <_< now just the one :D
BF2s is wrong for me compared to the bfhq on the game. i have 2300 odd points in bfhq but bf2s gives me 1700 odd.
I must have earnt a couple of thousand points since the stat stoppage. It updated the other day putting a wopping 17 points on my total :p
Don't stop me playing or pwning though, i had a superb round the other night ending the round 45-1 on Infantry only :D over a hundred points & a Gold. Not often i have a round like that but still nice when it does happen.
**** the stats i just want to kill people :D
Well, my problem is still persisting. No matter how many points I accrue on ranked servers my stats just wont update. They still say my last game was 27/02/07, even though my last game was this morning, and EA support refuse to help!

By now, with the hours I've put in and points won I should be up around the Sergeant area at least, but no I'm stuck at PFC with no bloody unlocks at all!

Thanks must go to EA for screwing me out of my money!
One of the main reasons is that all the game servers now need to be restarted for the stats to be submitted/update.

If you've played on a server that's not restarted they won't update, but if they do restart you will get your points. Hence why they can come randomly when you think you haven't played.
Azagoth said:
Not me, read my post above! No stats have changed since February for me, despite playing only on ranked servers.

bud have you sent an email to ea/dice about your problem as its a very strange one, it cant be anything on your side or theres :confused:
steveo said:
bud have you sent an email to ea/dice about your problem as its a very strange one, it cant be anything on your side or theres :confused:

Yeah, been in contact with the support for months. They basically told me that it's something to do with them and not me, but can't be arsed to sort it out because they can't find what it is.

Now they're not answering my emails, but that's EA for you!
I contacted EA support... got no reply from them, but within 24 hours I was receiving 8+ spam emails per day to the address that I had only used for EA support... :rolleyes:
It should be illegal for companies to do that.
i got the veteran medic award on a server the other day and 100+ points there as well and it hasn't recognised this :(

Do i have to wait for the server to restart or something?
anyone reccomend any good servers to play on, im fairly new to bf2 but have played various fps online and im intrested in servers where new players are welcomed. thanks in advance
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