Steam borked - updating every installed game at once 0 bytes!

I had this earlier on, but I was in a game so they were all queued. Just restarted steam as there was an update and it seems fine now.
This was linked to a windows update security patch of the dot net stuff.
The 0 byte downloads were scripts to delete files. Freeing up GBs of disk space.
Then steam thinks it needs them and re downloads them.
It happened on such a scale it causes the steam forums, store pages and wishlists to all have random blackouts.

This has highlighted one of my main gripes with steam and that's the common redist folder. Its called "common" and yet we download the same files over, and over and over again for each game. For a big steam library this can be massive amounts of disk space.

Surely it wouldn't be to hard to have "****tydirectxinstallerversion69.exe" in a top level folder and not a copy of it in every game folder.
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