Steam game, installed not played.

I am so bad at buying games and not playing them. So thats why i've got 409 games and 266 of them are installed and never been played.
I have loads thanks to humble bundle. A lot of the ones that are played only have a few hours on them.
I played Titanfall for 12 hours using the EA game time thingy, bought it and then never opened it again.
I have 90%+ of my 348 game library installed on my PC (~1.5TB of games, not including uPlay, Origin or GOG games). I installed them all late last year as I have the intention of completing as many as possible this year, 100% where possible with the main exceptions being multiplayer games and SP games that have dead multiplayer parts that have achievements linked to them.

It's a hobby... Or a problem... Hoblem?
Not really, but now I have decent internet (150mb woo) I tend to download and install a game, play it for an hour and then un-install it. I did this recently with a few games.
584 owned, 300 not played. £5087 value, £1437 with sales.

There's quite a few I've installed with the intention to play but never got round to it.

My game buying habits have changed recently, I'm only buying games I know I'm going to actually play. I've even passed on a lot of games from the last few Steam sales.
I used Steam thingy to play all my games to get the cards but I had installed Saints row 3 and 4 and have never opened either of them to play even though my profile says i've played them.
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