I was watching sodapoppin (or whatever his name his), yes I was that bored, when it happened. He didn't loose anything, just couldn't change his password himself due to too many attempts. When he did manage to change it and get in, it happened again. Happened to a few other big streamers in the same few hours.
Some of the comments made by people are pretty funny, CSGO players mentioning the possibility of VAC bans etc

Seems like people with steamguard were only locked out of their accounts from looking at videos and screenshots posted of emails by people who had their passwords reset

The bug was pretty bad but all of the Steam protections seem to have worked.

valve said:
To protect users, we are resetting passwords on accounts with suspicious password changes during that period or may have otherwise been affected. Relevant users will receive an email with a new password. Once that email is received, it is recommended that users login to their account via the Steam client and set a new password.

Please note that while an account password was potentially modified during this period the password itself was not revealed. Also, if Steam Guard was enabled, the account was protected from unauthorized logins even if the password was modified.

We apologize for any inconvenience.
I'm sick of changing my passwords for things. It seems like it's almost a weekly occurrence that something gets hacked or leaked.

I won't be doing it this time seen as everything seems to be in order and I have the steam guard thing set up anyway.

Very odd how such a simple exploit was allowed to slip through the net though lol.

Just do what I do and have different passwords for every site then if one does get hit they can't get anything else.
Such as.. Sodapoppin for example, he's been hacked enough times (through no fault of his own) to know he should have Steamguard enabled.

Not having Steam Guard enabled is a fault of his own. If you don't use the protection available to you, it is your fault.

EDIT: I use the same password for everything, have done for years, I've never once changed a password after a site or service I use has been hacked (unless forced too). I couldn't care less you can't do much without my email and that requires access to my mobile for authentication so.
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Not having Steam Guard enabled is a fault of his own. If you don't use the protection available to you, it is your fault.

EDIT: I use the same password for everything, have done for years, I've never once changed a password after a site or service I use has been hacked (unless forced too). I couldn't care less you can't do much without my email and that requires access to my mobile for authentication so.

Whilst I do tend to agree with you, you wouldn't want anyone potentially having access to your personal data such as your dob, home address, full name etc etc. That's never going to end well.
Been having problems connecting to Steam recently. It always asks for my password and when I enter it, it then starts in offline mode and I cannnot get online. I have Steam Guard enabled. Is anyone experiencing the same issue?
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