Steam keeps asking to add phone number.

2 Nov 2003
As title it keep popping up asking to add my mobile number but every time i try it fails and its getting annoying now:mad:

it should just be +44 plus mobile number right ?
meh, they can have my number tbh, its just another way of protecting your steam account... and having my details... which anyone can have tbh, I like feeling like i have mates.
yes it was bloody annoying i don't mind giving them my number if its for security but you never know with these companies:)
Dont get me wrong, I'm not one of those paranoid types about giving out information(not that there's anything wrong with that). I just dont understand why this isn't something optional that they cant leave me alone about. Most other sites let me recover my login information through email and that works perfectly fine. Dont know why Steam *demands* I give them other means of contacting me. Let me tick a box that says 'no thanks, I'm good, leave me alone about it' and give me peace.
I can't remember Steam every asking for my phone number. Every so often it asks me if my e-mail address is still current and gets me to confirm that.
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