Steam sale now .... Off

What all has everyone picked up?

I myself grabbed:
Rogue trader
Against the storm

I would suggest not even starting Rogue Trader for a good while yet. They keep releasing big patches and breaking stuff in-between, many cases of locked out quests, endings etc.
Considering BF 2042 or BqttleBit Remastered, may just pick up both, I've not played any shooters for a while but could see myself enjoying them.

I'd also love to pick up Kerbal Space Program 2 as the new update seems to have fixed most of the major issues and I'm fairly confident the devs will continue to improve it.
I'd rather have it on Steam but it's currently cheaper on Epic so might pick it up there... Got around 70 games in that library but never given them a penny :D
I have had problems with getting into Mass effect over the years, I have tried it up to three times but never get past the first 1-5 hrs of the game.
But I always played it on my pc with mouse+kb, perhaps the game is more suited to controller style play.
Stick with it mate. Mass Effect is amazballs, like totes Amazballs.
Well I grabbed Mass effect legendary edition for 6 euros from Steam, I will give it another go soon I guess when I finish the next game. Shows full xbox controller support ( while original game shows scetchy steam deck support due to text input, and nothing about controller support). Hopefully it'll look a bit better too. I will give it a go soon I guess. It has been 2 years since my last attempt and I see I've only played it for 3 hrs in total. Some games ( e.g. witcher 3) took me lonegr to get into.

I'm tempted to try Baldurs gate 3 and ask for refund if I don't like it.
But... I don't really have the time to play in the next 1-2 weeks so I'll sleep on it still, or wait until it goes on sale somewhere in the future!

I do want an rpg like Diablo or Baldurs that is top down and where you control the char with gamepad, but I guess I'll wait a bit still, games tend to only get cheaper in the long run and I am old enough to wait a bit more patiently...
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Interesting - I found Skyrim especially boring, and FO3 not much better. I generally find Bethesda worlds pretty bland. ME's combat isn't great, but the storyline is exceptional. The first game is a bit slow, but the second and third are fantastic.

I bounced off W3 first time around, but have since persevered and it's also very good.
Skyrim grabbed my attn from the get go, Fallout 3 also quite soon. Skyrim's dungeon design is so awesome sometimes, but I got gripped from the intro to slaying your first dragon, I was hooked. Later on I was amazed by the world: e.g. the first time you enter the dwarven cities, as is the difference in landscapes, e.g. the contrast between the 4 corners of the world basically. But the music helped a lot too. I liked the different cities and styles as well: Solitude and Markarth both wowed me. But Skyrim also uses nice colors for various things. Or the weather when you go up the snowy mountain in the middle. The music, I don't know why it stands out so much but I am very receptive for that. Reminds me older Settler games as well with nice peaceful music that turns into dramatic music on fights.

Fallout 3 is actually the game that got me into RPG's in the first place, I found it hard to get into before FO3.
You are right that Fallout 3 is not spectacular world wise. However, the atmosphere with the music playing in the background, the choices early on like help Megaton or blow it up in a huge nuclear explosion, it got me hooked. And I could play it like a shooter. Or like a sadistic little kid (shame you coulnd't kill the children in it :p). Hell, first time I rushed through the main story within 3-4 hrs I think. 2nd playthrough I started exploring the world and rememebr being wowed by the things you cam by. Hearing nice 30's jazz while you are using a railgun to nail NPC's to your walls in your house is also epic :D. I guess the blood and gore also adds a nice thing. I can't remember seeing blood or gore in Mass effect :(.

And now that I think of it, combat is indeed not special in Skyrim, I used to rush to dragonscale armor/deadric bow and then Thieves guild for a semi stealth ranged build. I would get raped in the late game by magic (I postponed Winterhold often). I think I have 3 playthroughs, first on a pirated copy (these days legit shops like Steam or GoG are easier than piracy so I pay for the convincience, while when Skyrim went out I was poorer) , 2nd on legit copy, and later a 3rd on the Steam special edition. Finished the main story twice.
Fallout combat I liked initially as you could play it as FPS well. Now with fallout 4 it does feel a bit bland, but to be honest I just turned down normal to easy difficulty to make fights quicker and follow the storylines instead and explore the wasteland.

Witcher 3 has clunky controls I agree (I would get Geralt stuck once or twice, but when on Roach, I would get stuck so often), but still fun to play imho, it does not feel like a chore, the cutscenes, the characters and the world makes up for it so much. The detail in the world in general and the scale of it is awesome. You could see something cool in the distance, go there, and not be disappointed. And the last playthrough I enjoy Gwent as well :D.
Cyberpunk felt more polished, guns blazing was nice, stealthy play was nice, even yolo melee was fun to do.

Finally, I think I'll grab Monster hunetr world as well, checked a few yt vids out, it looks entertainign certainly enough. I see the price is low outside of the steam sales as well on allkeyshop so no rush to grab it.
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I do want an rpg like Diablo or Baldurs that is top down and where you control the char with gamepad, but I guess I'll wait a bit still, games tend to only get cheaper in the long run and I am old enough to wait a bit more patiently...
Have you played Divinity Original Sin (or the second)? They're both fantastic. Very similar to BG3 (same developers), much cheaper, run well with a gamepad, and are basically exceptional
Neither, first one looks a little bit dated graphics wise despite being from 2015, 2nd looks quite nice!
Both look like a nice colorful varied world style which I like.

I will check them out in the next few days on youtube, still have until 4th of jan for steam sale I think.

Ta for the suggestions!

EDIT: OOps I bought em, :D. LEt's see if I like the genre. 16 euros for 1 and 2 together seems like a great deal. Combined with the ecstatic reviews. Also split screen support, I am actually looking for more games to play with other people in the same room. ( I impulse-bought ''it takes two'' a while ago and will want to play that with someone soon as well :) )
EDIT2: Wow divinity original sin 2 allows for cross platform play between Ipad and PC/steam, that is very cool as well, and being an Ipad owner which I always take with me on holidays, if I like this, that sounds awesome as well.

Well that's it for now, I've reached my game buying quota for now :p. I'm two tenners ish poorer but 3 games richer.

I will probably be doing a big trip (8 weeks, or even more if work and finances allows it) across Asia end 2024/begin 2025 (Cambodia, Laos, perhaps southern Vietnam, also perhaps a few days of Bangkok and southern Thailand as well) and I have this somewhat idealistic view that when I'm sick of people for a few days I can spend a few days gaming on a Steam deck around then. Or on the long flights.
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Ooh this Aliens game* is giving me the heebie-jeebies and I'm still in the starting area. :D It reminds me of Aliens v Predator 2 in terms of atmosphere.

*Dark Descent
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Stick with it mate. Mass Effect is amazballs, like totes Amazballs.
I bought Mass Effect: Legendary Edition on a whim a couple of months ago, I'm going to jump in and check it out, I can't do KB+Mouse so it will be pad...
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Uncharted games be worth it ? i enjoy the witcher 3, assasins creed games, god of war etc, horizon zero dawn

Stay away. On rails and repetitive! Basically a interactive movie that your gran can play. Bored me to tiers. Better of just watching someone play it on YouTube to be honest. Or at least skip to the cut scenes as that's the best bit about the game. No idea why people rave about it so much personally.
Tempted to pick up The Invincible while it's on offer but I'm still very much into Cyberpunk 2077 at the moment so I may hold off.

Uncharted games be worth it ? i enjoy the witcher 3, assasins creed games, god of war etc, horizon zero dawn

They're excellent, fairly linear for the most part but great fun, well-written and with some great characters.
Trying to purchase Horizon Zero Dawn.
Twice now it's gotten stuck on working and twice it's failed (one email received to say it's failed and now the 2nd one is pending) :/
Hope the funds go back to my account ok.
Only game I've picked up for PC is Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Digital Deluxe. Sadly not available on the Nintendo Switch, so have to settle for Ultimate and Rise on the Switch.

I used to play this on PS4 and remember loving it.
Trying to purchase Horizon Zero Dawn.
Twice now it's gotten stuck on working and twice it's failed (one email received to say it's failed and now the 2nd one is pending) :/
Hope the funds go back to my account ok.

Funds should only have a temp hold on them so should be automatic really. Only time I've had issues with ordering from Steam is when I had my VPN on my mistake.

Not really picked up much this year apart from Dave the Diver because everyone seems to rave about it. Everything else I'm interested in is either too broken to be worth buying until its patched and by that point will be cheaper (looking at you Rogue Trader). Or the discounts haven't made it worth it.
Hogwarts is the only game I've picked up in this sale.
Was tempted by a few others, but I have so many other games to play that I'm resisting too many impulse buys.
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I picked up Aliens:Fireteam elite. Not sure the longevity but having fun so far. Also got Leathal Company and need to play more with friends. I'm not sure if I will buy Badors Gate 3. I prefer to stick to games you can hop on and off rather than time sink.
The only games I've bought in the sale is Urbek: City builder, which is a great casual builder.
I also got dorfromantik which is a matching tile casual building game.
I'm going through a casual phase, 'big' games just don't hold my interest for long these days, Elden Ring was the last one I played through.
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