Steam Sale : What did you get?

I was going to buy one of these and use it with the tv bed we have but after reading some of the reviews regards compression even at 1080p I'm a bit put off.

Had a similar thing with the PStv which was utter tripe regards input lag even on a wired connection 720p was the best it could do.

Would like to hear your thoughts on it as i would love to be having a few games during a lazy sunday morning before the mayhem begins.

Hopefully it'll arrive next week, and will let you know. I am a bit concerned too, especially since my PC is on wireless only, as the router is downstairs. However, I do have almost full signal (>70Mbps according to Windows) so it will hopefully be okay.
Pillars of Eternity
Xcom 2
Ori and the blind forest
Wolfensteeen: The new order.
Mother russia bleeds*
Elite: Dangerous*
Axiom Verge*

* When I get back to steam to buy.
DROD : The Second Sky
Desktop Dungeons
Batman : Arkham Knight
Castle in the Darkness
Shadow Complex Remastered

some through Steam and some using cdkeys
DOOM is really great. I didn't get it in the sale, I've had it a while but I was playing a bit last night. Yes it gets repetitive, but hell, it is fun!
H1Z1- King of the Kill
Typing of the Dead - Overkill
Overwatch - not steam I know :D

Wolfenstein - New Order

To add to my collection of none played games.

You should have bought the ones you are thinking of buying and thought about the ones you bought imo.
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