Steam sale

First Steam sale and very happy with my haul, 11 games for £45

Child of Light
Wasteland 2
This War of Mine
Prison Architect
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
The Wolf Among Us
One Finger Death Punch
Age of Empires 2 HD + Forgotten Expansion
The Stanley Parable

*thumbs up*
£2.09 Lisa
£1.09 Brothers: a tale of two sons

I've got tonnes of games unplayed already, so just picked up a couple I've fancied for a while.

The Steam sale is only really great for Indie games these days, IMO. The AAAs can be had cheaply elsewhere - I'd have quite liked Dead Rising 3, for example, but it still hasn't been on sale cheaper than the £14 or so you could pre-order it for on the key sites.
Just Rollercoaster Tycoon 1, 2 and 3...

Not happy about the bumping up of prices then slapping the discount on. Really cheeky and obvious as daylight. Bad form Steam.
Nearly bought nothing at all but I got Grim Fandango:Remastered for half-;price as I missed it first time around. The comedy is supposed to be good in it.
The Steam sale is only really great for Indie games these days, IMO. The AAAs can be had cheaply elsewhere - I'd have quite liked Dead Rising 3, for example, but it still hasn't been on sale cheaper than the £14 or so you could pre-order it for on the key sites.

Yeah, that's true.

Although I'm quite glad. I find myself buying more and more indie games these days than anything else. A good 11 or 12 of the 16 games I bought in the sales were indie games.
Yeah, that's true.

Although I'm quite glad. I find myself buying more and more indie games these days than anything else. A good 11 or 12 of the 16 games I bought in the sales were indie games.

Yeah, probably 75% of the games I play are indies, so it suits me :)
Just bought X-Com enemy Unknown Complete with expansions for a fiver. Wanted to player Enemy Within expansion, played Unknown on PS3 a while back. Should kill a few hours.

Just a quick question, a GTX 280 should run this fine at 1080p? (just my backup card)
Among a few indies, I've also picked up Commandos 2 (played 1 and 3 back in the day). I'm surprised by how well the game holds up after all these years. Even the visuals are decent!
The third mission took four(!) hours to complete (hardest difficulty, all objectives done, including the complete photo). Gaming at its finest. :D
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