Steam Summer Sale

Why is steam doing a big update to Half-life 2 now? Is anyone else seeing this? I was playing it the other day so it was definitely already up to date. Hmmm, remember when they updated Portal before Portal 2...

HL2 just got a 31.2MB update

you guys know what to do


3 1 . 2




Half Life 3 :D
done! didn't realise how big the game was. :

I should mention I am on playthrough 2 almost at the end. So campaign is probably 10 - 12 hours long. I started on the hardest setting and then there is 2 more to unlock once you complete it. I've also tried to pick up all the extra stuff on each level.
I should mention I am on playthrough 2 almost at the end. So campaign is probably 10 - 12 hours long. I started on the hardest setting and then there is 2 more to unlock once you complete it. I've also tried to pick up all the extra stuff on each level.

cool, also not sure whether to get GTA 4 or not
Played the original Max Payne years ago, really liked it at the time so I've ended up buying -

Max Payne 1, 2 and 3 for £8.73

Oh and please vote Deus Ex!!
Just bought Portal 2 & Dishonoured with all DLC's. Most games on sale I already bought when they were also on sale.

Thinking of getting Arma X Anniversary. I know i wont be playing it, just want it for my collection lol.
Ns2 has been in and out of my cart so many times its stupid. I like the game but none of my friends play and the randoms ain't friendly .

Out again, maybe when I comes back

Kerbal, wargame, portal 2 castle crashers, and whatever comes up on flash or community I like before they drop off daily
Deus Ex predictably wins the community vote just because its 85% off. Great game for the money, but has been on offer a gazillion times before.
Deus Ex Collection £4.49

I'm getting carried away I think. :o

You'd have to be insane not to pick that up though, all the Deus Ex games are good even Invisible War, although it's awful compared to it's younger and older brothers, by itself it's quite good.
Grabbed Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate but wanting to play without all the weapon packs etc as I never like starting with weapons not intended and feel it takes away some challenege. Is it possible to disable the dlc you don't want? I tried unchecking them in the data files menu on the splash screen but they still load.
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