Steam Summer Sale

I tried and tried to get into Shogun 2, but I think you really need to have played the games which came before it. I never really understood how to play the game. I'm sure I could but I don't have the time.

I did get into Empire total war. It seems to be a bit more straight forward to play.

That's funny, empire was their most complex game. Shogun was deliberately designed to get back to basics and be a bit more simple and streamlined.
The prices for Alan Wake and Amnesia is like daylight robbery. Serious Sam 3 is also pretty entertaining and at that price I'd certainly recommend anyone feeling nostalgic towards old school first-person shooters to grab it. I also really enjoyed DmC having played DMC4 for 10 minutes and getting bored, but I'm sure there are better places to pick it up (£15 seems a little high considering how long it has been out).
I enjoyed it a lot! Slight repetitive, but the atmosphere, story and acting were great in my opinion!
NBA 2k13 is a really frustrating game to start with but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Seems nigh on impossible to steal the ball though (I'm just letting the AI do it really)

Also the rating system is ridiculously harsh. You lose about 8 times the number of points you get for scoring a 2 pointer if you let your marker score.
Has anyone had any experience with the Scribblenauts game on sale at the moment. I really liked the DS one as a quick dip in and out when I had a few minutes game, but I've heard this one is different and isn't quite as good.

NBA 2k13 is a really frustrating game to start with but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Seems nigh on impossible to steal the ball though (I'm just letting the AI do it really)

Also the rating system is ridiculously harsh. You lose about 8 times the number of points you get for scoring a 2 pointer if you let your marker score.

Don't try to steal - very inefficient play! Contest the shots, jump when they shoot and go for block/rebound instead!

Not sure what you mean by the last bit though :s
Got tomb raider and dishonored so far.

Not sure how well dishonored will run on my aging rig (phenom2 dual core, 4gb ram, ati 5750) Seems to be running tomb raider ok.

Maybe the excuse i need to upgrade?
So far for me -
Resident Evil 6 (Steam Store)
Quantum Conundrum Season Pass (Steam Store)
Vessel (Steam Store)
Post Mortem (Steam Store)
Still Life Collection (Steam Store)

So only about £20 so far although I did pick up Alan wake, Bioshock infinite and tomb raider in the last couple of weeks elsewhere when they were on special offers.
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