Steam support always this slow???

27 Jul 2004
I had to lock my steam account last week after an apparent hack attempt. I contacted steam support 3 or 4 days ago asking for it to be unlocked, and attached a cdkey scan for proof of ownership as instructed, and I've had no response from them at all.

Never had to contact steam before, how long does it normally take to get a reply???
Usually around a week for an automated reply and then another few weeks for them to actually do something.

Steam support is shockingly bad.
One of the many reasons we all love steam! Oh wait...

Pretty shocking really, they make so much money yet still haven't invested anything in customer service.
I once got a response 7 months later, needless to say I'd sorted the problem.

I don't understand how a big and popular service like steam can have one of the worse CS departments I've ever seen.
Gabe has said he doesn't mind answering the odd CS question himself though which is good I suppose
Bloody hell, was expecting people to say it might take a few days!

That is shockingly bad. Whilst my account is 'locked out' I can't buy any games! I was going to get Metal Gear 5 which only seems to be steam cd keys. Are they trying to encourage piracy or what?
I'm glad I don't buy much directly off steam anymore, corporate indifference is really becoming the norm.

It does have most of my games on though.
How did you lock your steam account ? :confused:

I was away at the time and got an email alert from steam. Someone was apparently trying to access my account from a Russian IP address. One of the options was to 'lock' my account to prevent any further action. See this

I'm glad I don't buy much directly off steam anymore, corporate indifference is really becoming the norm.

It does have most of my games on though.

Well I hardly ever buy directly through steam as cd key sites are way cheaper. But lots of games HAVE to have the key activated through Steam or be installed via steam regardless, and it seems MGS 5 is one of them. Really, really annoying and it sounds like it could take weeks to get resolved. Pathetic! :mad:
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Read the bottom bit. It's way more than that that's restricted, including not being able to ****ing buy or activate any new games.

The lock that is applied to your account restricts all major actions that can impact you and other Steam users. These include the following:

Playing on VAC enabled game servers (VAC Ban Protection)
CD-Key activation
Steam Community access

Loathes me to say it, but it Looks like steam's tardiness may make me visit some nefarious sites I haven't done for years! Why should I have to wait weeks to play one of the best games in a long time (from the reviews I've read) because steam have ZERO customer service? Even if you can source and buy a hard DVD copy of MGS 5, it still needs to be activated on steam before you can play it.

It's not until things go wrong like this that you realise how flawed and weird total digital distribution and DRM of games is. I ways thought steam was ****e when it first started years ago. Very poor show.

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update - finally got a reply from steam support and account is now unlocked! Nearly took a ****ing month. How Pathetic is that?
Unfortunately, I miss out on most newer titles as the older I get, the more I refuse DRM.

Steam used to be a solution to the problem, now it is part of the problem. Trying to dip their hands into "paid mods" was a wake up call for me.

Humblestore (DRM Free and a Steam key where applicable) and are my choices now.

The loss of Gamespy as a centralised service looking back really was a sad time. Being lumbered with Steam only titles is not the best thing.
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Steam support is some of the worst I have experienced. They locked my account by mistake for some reason and it took just over 6 weeks for them to unlock it again without any sort of apology. I just received an email stating due to an error my account has been locked and 6 weeks later another saying it's now unlocked.

I hardly PC game anymore as tbh it's more hassle than it's worth sometimes.
Steam don't have an actual support team. It's just employees that do it when they want to.

Which means nobody wants to do support.
in 2009 they took 40 min , couple months ago they took 3 weeks for me and for my friend 5 or 6 weeks to unlock the account , not sure what they are doing such big company should have better security and better support tbh
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