Steam will no longer crash if you own over 25,000 games

Not a chance

It's an average of 4GB per game. There are a lot of games under 4GB on Steam. Anyone who has >25,000 games will have a lot of those games. Most of which will be asset flip dross, but by no means all. For example, Valheim takes up 1.1GB on my drive. Dead Age takes up 1.7GB. Etc. There are many games that take up less than 4GB.
It's an average of 4GB per game. There are a lot of games under 4GB on Steam. Anyone who has >25,000 games will have a lot of those games. Most of which will be asset flip dross, but by no means all. For example, Valheim takes up 1.1GB on my drive. Dead Age takes up 1.7GB. Etc. There are many games that take up less than 4GB.
Nobody is going to have a library of exclusively sub 4GB games unless they've intentionally cultivated one though. There's going to be plenty of 50+ installs in there
Something doesn't add up
Most Playtime Ladder (Worldwide) • Steam Ladder

Playtime (H) = 1,886,576 over 8 years

Probably something broken/exploited there but I know people who'll have like 4-5 games open at once i.e. they will have a couple of MMO and other online persistent world types games open 24x7 like Eve Online, etc. so they are available for events, while playing other games which will rack up simultaneous hours.
Probably something broken/exploited there but I know people who'll have like 4-5 games open at once i.e. they will have a couple of MMO and other online persistent world types games open 24x7 like Eve Online, etc. so they are available for events, while playing other games which will rack up simultaneous hours.
Do these people still live with their parents:p.
Do these people still live with their parents:p.

Hah in many cases no - I've heard people on voice comms responding to emergency pings in Eve Online shouting at their kids to get out the way as they have an internet spaceships emergency to respond to :p
Hah in many cases no - I've heard people on voice comms responding to emergency pings in Eve Online shouting at their kids to get out the way as they have an internet spaceships emergency to respond to :p
Haha that's great. I know how easy it is to get addicted to some of these things. I like guild wars, and you start one event and keep thinking I'll just do one more then its bedtime before you know it:D.
Something doesn't add up
Most Playtime Ladder (Worldwide) • Steam Ladder

Playtime (H) = 1,886,576 over 8 years

8 years = 70080 hours so that ladder is not right unless these are those dodgy accounts that get sold to multiple people. Even then it equates to just over 26 people gaming 24hrs a day so something not right.

Click on the link too

Avg. Playtimeinfo_outline 34,406 minutes

thats not possible.

look at his Steam Profile - the ladder is rubbish

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Nobody is going to have a library of exclusively sub 4GB games unless they've intentionally cultivated one though. There's going to be plenty of 50+ installs in there

Nobody has said anything about anyone having a library of exclusively sub 4GB games. You've just killed your own strawman.

Few if any people with a normal modern game library would have an average game size of 4GB or less. But we're not talking about anyone with a normal modern game library. We're talking about people with 25,000 games from Steam. That would have to include many pieces of asset flip dross, many small indie games and many older games. Many of those would be far under 4GB, which would significantly reduce the average game size.

For example, the first game in my Steam library when sorted alphabetically is Avadon: The Black Fortress. Space taken on disc is 114.73 MB. Some games that size and a 50GB game would average 4GB per game.
Nobody has said anything about anyone having a library of exclusively sub 4GB games. You've just killed your own strawman.

Few if any people with a normal modern game library would have an average game size of 4GB or less. But we're not talking about anyone with a normal modern game library. We're talking about people with 25,000 games from Steam. That would have to include many pieces of asset flip dross, many small indie games and many older games. Many of those would be far under 4GB, which would significantly reduce the average game size.

For example, the first game in my Steam library when sorted alphabetically is Avadon: The Black Fortress. Space taken on disc is 114.73 MB. Some games that size and a 50GB game would average 4GB per game.
And yet I have two 1 terabyte drives completely filled with maybe 30 games. Mysterious
You're killing your own argument by assuming that having a lot of shovelware and ancient games means having few to no large install games
I agree with Angilion. The point is we are talking an *average* install size. This means you can have dozens and dozens of large games, as long as you have a lot of small ones too.
The AAA type games that are taking 50GB+ are probably only a few hundred in number. It's not like you could buy another 900 games and fill up drives at the same rate as above (60TB storage). So even if these people have a lot of big games, they are only using maybe 30TB of space for those. That would leave another 70TB for all the smaller stuff. And some of these games are really small, like 1% of the size of the bigger titles.

If I look at e.g. the first 5 games in my library they clock in at:


Literally each of those would fit on a CDROM.

The point he's making is that in a 25k steam library these sort of games will be really plentiful, dwarfing the number of the bigger games. If you have say 50 games of ~1GB for every 100GB game you have, that's 150GB over 51 games or under 3GB average.

Of course, without doing the sums we'll never know for sure but I think it's conceivable that you could fit 25k steam games on a 100TB drive.
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