
24 Sep 2008
Just wondering if anybody would like to add me on steam. I only have TF2 just now though for Multiplayer...

My Steam name is LeJosh

[OcUK] is at the start of my name but don't know if you need to have that aswell. I did do a search to see if I could find a list of names and I'm in the OcUK group but didn't want to just go around adding people just incase if it would **** them off. :\ :D
I added you LinktoInsanity. I'm going to buy L4D first me thinks.

The TF2 OcUK group doesn't have a server anymore I don't think. And to be honest I really can't remember what was what in the game so just trying to find my gaming feet again. :p Been out of the mix for too long!
I have to wait till the 7th of October anyways. Thing is I think a lot will still play L4D1 even when L4D2 is out. :)
I played on the GTFO server... I suck so bad! I'm so rusty it's stupid. I got owned left right and centre. :(
Sorry my steam ID is KingLeJosh...I'm a dummy.

@PGdude; it did go off quickly I ended up 4th with 40 kills and around 50 deaths. I'm a pyro-maniac in it though. :p
I'll add you mate, no worries.

@nex I searched you but there is a lot of nex's...

Edit-I'm putting soundb0y in but isn't available. :|
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