
24 Sep 2008
Just wondering if anybody would like to add me on steam. I only have TF2 just now though for Multiplayer...

My Steam name is LeJosh

[OcUK] is at the start of my name but don't know if you need to have that aswell. I did do a search to see if I could find a list of names and I'm in the OcUK group but didn't want to just go around adding people just incase if it would **** them off. :\ :D
I've gone off Team Fortress to be honest. It's not really a good team player game compared to other games out there. It just seems like your fragging the other team in competition with your team to have the most points.

Saying that I'd give it a go if you wanted to have the odd game :)

expect an add from me in a day or so ;)
I wouldnt say Team fortress isnt a good team game but on the same time team play (on public servers atleast) online isn't exactly exuberant.

At the same time though playing on a server with a few friends, and/or on a server of high quality with people being choosing their class sensibly in terms of that specific round/map, the game is a lot more fun.

Added! expect me to drop into a game sooner or later, prefer that nowadays than either relying on my favorites list having a good game running or the luck of the draw with the server browser.
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Should be back on my "net" feet in the next 2 or 3 days.
Always happy to have a contact or two willing to play some TF2, heck the way I look at it is the more people I know that are playing the same server as me lowers the number of random idiots playing :)

Will throw you an invite when I get online
There's a TF2 Steam Names and Server Thread but it didn't really get very far.

You could try adding a few from the L4D Steam Names Thread as quite a few of them also have TF2 and it will prove beneficial when you buy L4D.

You can also add me via the clicky steam icon in my sig though I'm not the dirty spammer I used to be, had to scale back due to college and work commitments.
I added you LinktoInsanity. I'm going to buy L4D first me thinks.

The TF2 OcUK group doesn't have a server anymore I don't think. And to be honest I really can't remember what was what in the game so just trying to find my gaming feet again. :p Been out of the mix for too long!
I wouldn't rush out and buy l4d right now, the new map update is out soon and Valve usually have a discount weekend for big updates. Or just hold off a month or two and get L4D2.
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