Stearing Wheel Shaking

28 Jan 2005
Hi all just had my new alloys fitted and i have noticed my stearing wheel is shaking a tiny bit at 50ishmph and really at 70+mph is this to do with the wheels not being alligned? Is this easy to sort?
It's a problem with either the wheel balancing or the tracking - get it sorted

If you persist then you'll wear through your tires awfully quickly
Tracking problems would be the car pulling to one side when you let go of the wheel. This is unbalanced wheels.

Unbalanced front wheels = shakey steering wheel
Unbalanced back wheels = shakey seats!
Tracking problems do lead to problems with the car pulling to one side - I had this problem and also noticed vibration through the steering wheel. I thought that the balancing was out as well as the tracking but apparantely not according to the garage
ajgoodfellow said:
Tracking problems do lead to problems with the car pulling to one side - I had this problem and also noticed vibration through the steering wheel. I thought that the balancing was out as well as the tracking but apparantely not according to the garage

can the tracking be done while you wait also?
Wobby steering is caused by unbalanced wheels but it can also be caused by mishapen tyres.

No idea why this happens but you can see it if you jack up the front and give the wheels a spin. Mine sadly have a small hump on each one but on the plus side it means I finally get round to putting on some nice F1's.
A shaking steering wheel at 45-50 mph in a front wheel drive can also be attributed to a worn engine mount. What happens is the engine will oscilate back and forth on a failed rubber block, causing the whole front suspension to wobble, which will be transmitted to the driver through the steering wheel.

Something to have them look at while they're under there adjusting the tie rods.....
it will be Balancing from the symptoms u have described. Tracking would make the car pull or put ya steering wheel off, balance causes wheel to shake
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